‼️Before you read‼️

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Hello dear readers! Lumin here! :D

"Stickman High" was a huge succes, so I'm very happy to start writing the sequel! And who knows, maybe after we finish this book, maybe I'll make a third part? That's just a thought for now.

Alrighty, now let's get to the important stuff:

This book contains:

● Fluff
● Angst
● ‼️JUST A LITTLE‼️ Smut
● My cringe ass au
● My ✨️headcannons✨️
● ‼️Gay‼️ ships
● A ton of drama!
● Unimaginable plot twists 😱
● Swearing (a lot 💗)
● Sensitive topics
●A lot of wierd shit my brain came up with :]

‼️This book is a sequel to my first story "Stickman High", so I advise reading that one first to better understand the story‼️

And one more thing! English ain't my first language, so don't kill me for grammar or spelling mistakes.

The original characters do not belong to me

Cover made by me :]

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