Chapter 9 - Don't fuck with my son.

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Green's POV

I was staring at myself in the mirror.

"Are you sure I look okay?" I asked.

Purple walked over to me and hugged me from behind, resting his head against my shoulder.

"I'm sure. Now come on. We gotta go there eventually. Plus, dad will question me if I take too long." He said.

"Alright..." I sighed.

We left my house and started walking towards Purple's place. I couldn't help but feel super nervous. My stomach hurt from the stress. I didn't know much about Purple's dad, but I knew one thing - he was very protective of Purple. And I didn't want to get on his bad side. Especially when we were meeting for the first time.

I felt Purple take my hand in his.

"You good hun?" He asked.

"Nope. I'm scared as hell."

"It'll be fine."

"How are you so calm about this?!"

"Come on Green, it's my dad, he won't kill you."

"I'd argue with that..." I mumbled.

Purple giggled a little. He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

"It will be okay hun. It will be okay."

After a few minutes we made it to Purple's. We walked inside the house. We got greeted by Gold.

"Finally! Purple, what took so long? Dad was getting impatient." He said.

"We didn't take that long. Now chill. And don't get involved. Please." Purple said towards his brother.

One thing I definitely notised about Gold was that ever since Purple and I started dating, he often liked to budge into the conversation and such shit.

"...fine." Gold rolled his eyes.

As he said that another person walked into the room. The guy himself - Purple's dad.

"Goldie I told you to get them, not talk with them in the doorstep." He said towards Gold.

"Don't call me 'Goldie'. I'm not a child." Gold crossed his arms.

"Right... Anyways, Purple, could you maybe... introduce your boyfriend to me?" He asked.

"Ah, right. Dad, this is my boyfriend. Green, this is my dad."

Purple's dad pulled his hand out for a handshake. I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you. The name's Mango Tango, but I go by M.T. for short."

I couldn't help but crack a smile at his name. The man who looked like he could snap you in half with a simple glare was named after a fruit.

"My name's Green." I said.

"Lovely. Now, how about we sit down for dinner?" He said.

"Alright." Said Purple.

"Okay..." Gold sighed.

They led me to a rather nice looking dining room. It looked very neat and fancy-ish, but it didn't lack the heatwarming vibe a place where a family eats should have. We sat down. There were four plates on the table.

"Purple, could you please help me with the food?" M.T. asked.

"Sure dad." Purple smiled as they walked out of the room.

I looked over at Gold who was the only other person in the room. He shot me a glare across the table.

"What are you looking at?" He asked.

"You? What's up? Why so upset?" I asked.

"Oh I dunno, maybe because my brother dragged an attencion magnet into my house." He rolled his eyes.

I couldn't help but frown at that.

"What's your problem dude?" I asked.

"My problem? What about yours? Like, I get that your parents don't live you and shit, but that ain't a reason to come into my house and steal all the at-" Gold went quiet as Purple and his dad walked into the room.

"Whatcha talking about?" Purple asked.

"Nothing." Said Gold.

"Yeah, nothing." I added. I gave Gold a small glare across the table.

We started eating. Mango made a quite delicious meal. I must admit, for someone who was named after a food item, he cooked really well.

M.T. asked me a lot of questions as we ate. To my suprise the conversation with him was rather light hearted. I didn't expect that. I expected him to kill me on the doorstep, but I had quite a good time talking with him.

"Green, could I talk to you please? Alone." Mango asked when we finished eating.

"Uhh sure." I replied.

He led me into a different room. He losed the door behind us.

"Now, I'm gonna be straight forward with you." He said in a serious tone. "Purple, as I expect you to know is a very special boy with a... complicated past. And I wouldn't want my boy to get used by a random moron who was lucky enough to be notised by my son."

"I- I'm fully aware of that sir." I couldn't help but sutter. His seriousness made my voice get stuck in my throat.

"As I expect you to be. So I'll keep it short: Don't fuck with my son. Cause I warn you, if my boy ends up hurt because of you, I will make sure you hurt ten times worse."

Obviously, Mango didn't mean it literally, but my filthy mind couldn't help but convert his words into something different.

"Yes sir." I said shortly. I was intimidated.

"Good." He said in a softer tone. "You seem like a nice boy, wich is why I hope that you'll be as loving towards my boy as I'm hoping you to be."

"Oh I will be. Purple is an amazing guy and I truly love him. So don't worry about us sir. I'm willing to bet we won't have much issues together." I said. I felt a bit more comfortable with him now.

He chuckled at my responce.

"Heh, you remind me of my younger self. You know, when I was your age, I was in a relationship with one girl. She was my first true love. Unfortunately, we fell apart due to a missunderstanding... But that's in the past." He sighed.

We returned to the table. After about an hour I decided to go home. Purple decided to walk me there. As we walked I brought up what M.T. said to me earlier.

"He said she was his true love, but they fell apart or something like that." I said.

"Well, he was definitely not talking about Gold's mom. As far as I know, they got married at a young age and had Gold really quick. But they were adults and he said he dated that girl when he was our age." He said.

I couldn't help but think about Mango's past girlfriend. I wonder what she was like...



It took ages, but I finished this chapter. YAY! And I'm leaving yall to speculate about M.T's old girlfriend...

About the song: I wanted to put one song in here, but I decided I'll save it for alter in the story...

Words: 1143 (I've outdone myself ✨️)

Stay safe guys and I will see you in the next chapter :3

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