Chapter 7 - Lunchtime.

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Yellow's POV

The seven of us sat at lunchtime. We were talking about shit, as usually.

"So yeah, he has a new girlfriend. Again. Her name is Beige I'm pretty sure." Red sighed.

"Damn, that sounds like ass. I wish I could say that I can relate to having such problems, but to be honest with ya, I don't even have any problems at all at the moment." Green said with a cocky smile, sipping his water in the sassiest way possible.

"Uhm, about that..." Said Gold.

"Gold 'accidentally' told my dad we're dating. He wants to meet you." Purple murmured.

Green started choking on his drink.

"What?!" He yelled.

"You heard me." Purple sighed.

"Gold! I'm gonna kill you! I'm actually gonna murder you!" Green said in an angry tone.

"Chill out dude. You'd have to meet him eventually. At least I sped up that process for you guys." Gold shrugged.

"You know what?! Fuck yourself!" Green rolled his eyes and flipped Gold off.

"Don't tell me to fuck myself. You fuck him." Gold pointed at Purple.

"Gold!" Purple blushed and gave Gold a punch in the arm.

Red and Blue laughed out loud, while Second tried to cover his giggles.

"Shut your asses!" Green snapped at the three, causing an even bigger wave of laughter.

After the others finished laughing, we continued the conversation.

"And you Yel? Anything going on?" Second asked.

"Absolute shit to say he least." I sighed.

"Why? What happened?" Blue asked in a worried tone. He placed his hand on my thigh in a comforting manner.

"My parents appeared out of fucking nowhere. They suddenly give a fuck about me. They have a problem with everying! My grades, my relationships, heck, even with how much I eat!" I said in a frustrated tone.

Blue looked at me worriedly. He knew very well about my issues with weight.

"Did you eat anything though?" He asked.

"Well, they didn't let me finish dinner last night and I wasn't allowed to eat breakfast. This is the first meal I'm having today." I sighed.

"Then why aren't you eating? You should eat something!" Blue said concerned.

"I dunno... I don't feel like eating." I said.

I knew I should eat. Even if I didn't feel like it. But I didn't want to. I just didn't want to.

"Yellow, you need to eat." Blue gave me a gentle punch.

"I don't want to."

"But you need to."

"But I don't want to."

"But you need to damnit!" Blue gave a frustrated look.

I really didn't feel like eating. Really. But seeing Blue's expression and knowing that the others were watching me basically act like a picky child didn't make me feel to enthusiastic about it.

"Come on Yel, eating isn't the end of the world." Green rolled his eyes at me.

'It is for me...'

"I'm just not hungry." I said.

"How can you not be hungry?! You just said you haven't eaten anything today!" Blue said.

And then, as if my situation wasn't shit enough, my stomach growled. Damnit.

"See!? You are hungry! I'm not buying anymore of this bullshit! Now eat!" Blue said firmly, pushing my food tray as close to me as possible.

I sighed. I felt like a toddler who refused to eat.

"Fine. I'll eat." I said.

I took the sandwich that was on my plate and looked at it. I really didn't feel like eating, but I decided to force myself. I took the first bite. Feeling the food in my mouth almost caused me to gag.

I proceeded to eat silently as the others started talking again. I could feel Blue's piercing eyes on me. He was waiting for me to finish the sandwich. I continued FORCING the food into my. Every time I had to swallow or take another bite made me want to gag. After what seemed like ages, I managed to finish the sandwich. However, I didn't feel good. I didn't like the feeling of having something in my stomach. Especially if I had to force that inside of me.

"Guys, excuse me for a moment." I said as I left the cafeteria.

I went to the nearest bathroom. I locked myself inside. I bend over one  of the toilets and emediantly gagged. Unfortunately, it didn't cause me to vomit.

I put my finger deep inside my mouth, touching the back of my throat. I gagged again and this time, I actually vomited.

After a few minutes, I was done. I was panting and drooling. My throat was burning from the stomach acid and my eyes were teary. I took a tissue from my pocket and wiped my mouth. I flushed the toilet and unlocked the door. As I headed towards the sink to wash my hands, I saw Blue standing against the wall.

"I knew it." He gave me a glare.

When Blue and I lived together, he leaned about my eating problems... or, well, my eating disorders. He always tried to help me with them, but with my stubborn ass, it was never easy.

"Why did you throw up?" He asked.

"Because I didn't feel good."

"Did your stomach hurt, or did you just want to prove to yourself that you weren't gonna eat?" He asked.


Blue sighed. He walked over to me and took my hands in his.

"Look baby, I'm not trying to boss you around. I just don't want you to get back into those habits that I'm pretty sure we agreed that you were past." He said softly.

"I know. I'm sorry. I just..." I couldn't even describe why I did that. It was just an impulse.

"I'm not mad at you. I mean, I am, but I know you're smart enough to know it's not good for you. So I'll let this one slide. But if I catch you like this again, we're gonna have a serious talk. You got that?" He asked.

Unlike my parents, when Blue spoke in a firm tone, he had that glimpse of affection behind it, wich reassured me, that he only wanted me to be healthy.

"Okay." I nodded.

"Good. Now c'mere. I haven't gotten a good opportunity to properly kiss you today! Can you believe that?" He said.

"Well that's truly terrible, isn't it?" I said.

He leaned over to me and kissed me sweetly. I returned the gesture.

I knew Blue wanted the best for me. But the problem is, I don't think I wanted the best for myself.


Hellooooo!! :D

I AM SO EXCITEDDDD!!!! I've been waiting for the moment to develop Yellow a little more and I'm finally getting such a moment!! YAAAY!

About the song: it dissapeared! Just like my sanity! :O

Words: 1137

Stay safe guys and I will see you in the next chapter :3

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