Chapter 15 - A bad idea.

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TW: this chapter contains sensitive topics!


Me and Chosen were walking home after school. We both got detention for starting the fight in the cafeteria. We walked in silence, not looking at eachother.

Soon, we were home. We entered the house and got greeted by Second.

"Hey guys." He said, leaning against the wall.

"Hey." Said Chosen.

I didn't say anything.

"What the hell was that fight about?" Sec asked.

"It-" Chosen got cut off.

"None of your business kid." I replied.

"Whatever. Have fun talking with dad." Second shrugged, heading towards the stairs.

Fuck. I completely forgot about dad. Well, this was gonna be real fun.

After about an hour dad came home.

"Chosen One! Dark Lord! I want you both in the kitchen! NOW!" His voice could be heard in the whole house.

Shit, he was pretty pissed.

We both walked downstairs, into the kitchen. Dad closed the door.

"What in the actual FUCK did you two do?" He asked.

"We... Had a fight?" I replied.

"Correct. And why is that? I thought you guys are old enough to realize that you can resolve your issues without violence."

"Dark started it-" Chosen got cut off once again.

"I did not!" I gave him a glare.

...okay, maybe I did start it, but I wasn't gonna take the full blame on myself.

"Silence!" Said dad. It seemed like he was getting more and more upset with us.

"I'm very disappointed with both of you, but especially with you Chosen. Y'know, I really thought you were mature enough to not allow yourself to play along with Dark's stupid brattiness. But it seems I was wrong. Both of you still act like little children. So, as punishment, no going out for two weeks. You got it?"

"Yes sir." Chosen mumbled.

"Yeah sure. Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

"Chosen, you can leave. Dark, stay for a moment."

Chosen quickly left the room. I was left alone with dad.

"Listen here you little shit." Dad glared at me. "This is Chosen's final year. Do you know what that means?"

"That next year he'll go to college?"

"Well, yes, but that's not what I meant. This means that he has to focus on his studies, not on you and your shitty behavior. So I'm gonna keep it simple. Leave Chosen alone. He doesn't you constantly distracting him. Do you understand?" He asked in a stern tone.

"Yeah, yeah." I replied.

"No going out for you for three weeks. Now, do you understand?"

"What? Why? What did I do?"

"Four weeks. Do you understand?"

"...yes." I sighed.

"Good. You can leave now."

I walked out of the kitchen and went upstairs. I was about to go to my bedroom, but I decided to go to Chosen's for a moment. I knocked on the door.

"Come in." I heard from inside the room.

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