Chapter 11 - Past.

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I was at home. The boys were at school. Today was that one day of the week when I could stay at home. I decided to clean the house.

I was cleaning my bedroom. As I was dusting the shelves my eyes wandered off to one of the many framed pictures I had. I picked up the photo and smiled. It was a very old picture of my boys. I'm pretty sure I took it a month after I adopted Purple. I could never forget that day...

~ Flashback ~

I was sitting in a small office in the adoption center. I was told to wait there for one of the caretakers. Suddenly, the door opened.

"Hello there sir! My name's Maroon and I'll be guiding you through the whole process of adoption." Said a young lady.

She seemed quite cheerfull. She extended her hand for a handshake. I shook her hand.

Maroon sat down opposite to me. She proceeded to ask me questions: 'Do I have any kids?','Why did I decide to adopt?' and such. The answers were pretty simple.

I've always wanted two kids. Unfortunately, Gold's mother died when my boy was barely three years old. Her death was a punch in the gut for both of us. I couldn't get myself to date another woman. So since then it was just me and him.

However, after five years, I think I was ready to adopt a child.

Maroon asked me what kind of kid am I looking for.

"I'd like to adopt a boy, preferably somewhere around 8 years old." I said.

"Well, you're in luck sir. We happen to have such a boy. He came to us just last month. Though, I have to warn you, he's.... from a rough background." Said Maroon.

"What exactly happened to him?" I asked.

"Well... He had a very abusive father, who also murdured his mother. He's in a very bad state, both phisically and emotionaly. He barely talks to anyone. He doesn't even play with the other kids. He just sits alone, silently."

I listened to her words. It hurt to hear that such a little kiddo had to go through... all that.

"Could I... possibly meet him?" I asked.

"Of course! Stay here please. I'll go get him." Maroon got up from her seat and left the room.

I waited patiently. After a few minutes she returned. Behind her walked a little boy. He looked at me with big eyes.

"Purple, I'd like you to meet M.T. If everything goes well, he might become your new dad." Maroon said enthusiasticly, kneeling down to the small child.

Purple looked at me for a moment.

"Are you 100% sure he won't hurt me?" He asked her quietly.

"Yes darling. I'm sure." Maroon assured him.

Purple looked me up and down. I gave him a small smile, but he just looked at me blankly in return.

"Okay. I'll stay then. But just so you know" He turned to me with a serious tone "I did not want to come here."

I didn't know how to respond to that. On one side it was quite amusing to see such a serious eight-year-old, but on the other side, it wasn't so amusing when you realized why he's like this...

Maroon pulled out a chair and sat Purple on it.

"Now, how about I leave you here with M.T. so you can get to know Hi a bit more?" She said softly, looking at Purple.

"...fine." Purple murmured.

"Alright then. I'll leave you two alone for now."

With that said, Maroon left the room.

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