Chapter 10 - Jelaousy.

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I slowly walked home from school. I got detention today for forgetting my homework again, wich is why I got out of school later than usually. I felt like shit, but a single thought kept me happy. Since Chosen had to cancel our plans last time, he promised we'd spend some time together today.

I walked inside the house. I took my shoes off and put my coat away. I ran into Chosen's room excitedly:

"Hey Cho! Ready to hang... out?" My excitment died down when I notised that the room was empty.

I ran around the house looking for Chosen. The kitchen, the living room - he was nowhere to be found. At some point I decided to go ask Second if he's seen him anywhere. As I walked towards Second's room I heard a conversation through the unclosed door. I leaned against the wall and listened in:

"So yeah, the teacher wasn't at school today so I was able to get home earlier." Said Chosen.

"I wonder why Dark's not home yet..." Said Second.

"Knowing him, he either got detention or he went somewhere with some friends or something like that." Said Chosen.

"He's been acting a bit wierd lately, haven't you notised?"

"What do you mean by 'wierd'?"

"He seems a bit sad. He's not as loud as he used to be."

"Ehh, I'm sure he's fine. Who knows maybe he's finally growing up."

"If you say so..."

"Oh, by the way, how are your powers? You dealing with them?"

"Yeah. They haven't really appeared much ever since I ast used them. I only feel my hands getting a bit warmer when I get upset, but I never end up actually blasting."

"That's great to hear. Y'know, I'm not really doing much today, so if you'd like to, we could go to that bunker area that Victim made and I could help you practise controlling your powers. I promised I'd do that."

"Really? That would be great! But are you sure you don't have any plans today."

"Nope. I'm completly free."

Chosen's words stung me. What about me? He promised we'd hang out today! He promised!

I didn't want to listen in anymore. I quietly went to my bedroom. I sat down on my bed and thought.

'Why did he forget about me? Did I do something wrong?

He promised! He promised!

Why did he forget?

And why was he so dissmissive when Second said there's something wrong with me? He was never like this...

Fuck! I'm gonna cry again. No. Dark Lord you have to be strong! You can't cry all the time. You already cried yesterday. You cried two days ago. You can't cry over every little problem.

But then again the only thing that's making me cry is... him.

What did I do wrong?

He promised to spend time with me. Me. And then he goes to that little bastard, Second and goes like "nah I'm free today".

Stupid Second. Always taking away all the love for himself. God, I've hated him ever since he was born. I knew he was gonna be trouble. We never needed a fourth one!'

As I continued thinking, I lied down on my bed. I didn't even notise when I fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was already dark outside. I rubbed my eyes. I was about to go back to sleep, when suddenly, I heard some noises downstairs. I decided to check it out.

I slowly walked down the stairs and heard parts of Chosen and Second's conversation:

"I am exausted!" Said Second.

"Obviously you are. Training takes up a lot of energy, huh?" Said Chosen.

"Yup. Gosh, I'm so hungry my stomach hurts."

"Well don't worry, dad should be back from work soon, so we'll make something to eat."


As I was listening in, I accidentally stepped on another step, causing the stairs to creak. Shit.

I decided to fully do downstairs as if I wasn't just listening in. I walked into the kitchen and found the guys in there.

"Hey Dark!" Second smiled cheerfully.

"Hi." Said Chosen.

"Hi." I said with a slightly annoyed tone. "Where were you guys?"

"Chosen showed me how to use my powers properly. It was fun, but exausting as hell!" Said Second.

"Oh, lovely. Good thing you had a free afternoon, huh Chosen?" I spoke in a very frustrated tone, giving him a slight glare.

Though Chosen didn't even know why I was upset.

"What's your problem? Fuck off."

I don't know why his words stung me. Normally we used all kinds of swear words on eahother and noone gave two shits about what he got called. But this time it hurt. A lot.

"Imma go to bed." I said.

"But we're making dinner!" Said Second.

"I'm not hungry." I lied. I was starving.

I went to my bedroom and lied down again.

'What happened to him?

Why did he tell me to fuck off?

Why did it hurt when he said that?

Why was he so cold towards me?

Why is he acting like this?




Soon enough, I felt tears forming in my eyes. Oh God, not again...

I cried for ages before eventually falling asleep. I felt like I didn't want to wake up. I didn't want to wake up only to see Chosen so cold towards me.

I didn't want to watch myself lose him...


no, I'm not sure if I'm into you

the last time that you checked, I was probably so sad and confused

but if you're looking for something new

I know somebody that you could choose

what about me?

what about me?

what about me and you together?

something that could really last forever

what about me?

what about me?

what about me and you together?

something that could really last forever

"Television/So far so good" By Rex Orange County.


Helllooooooo!!!! :D

I'm having a blast here :}


Words: 1022

Stay safe guys and I will see you in the next chapter :3

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