Chapter 5 - I don't wanna stay home.

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Red's POV

I slowly walked home from school. It was a little later than usually, because I had sports club today. I was pretty tired.

Soon I got home. I opened the front door. I could hear the sound of the TV from the living room. Dad was probably in there, chilling after work. However, to my suprise, the person in the living room was not my dad. It was some woman I didn't know.

"Uh, excuse me? Who are you?" I asked.

"Oh you must be Red, right? I'm your father's girlfriend."

"Right.... And where's my dad?"

"He went out. He said he'll come back later tonight."

I left and went to my bedroom. I closed the door behind me. I sat down on my bed and sighed deeply.

My parents got divorced a few months ago. It hurt to know that at court my mom just straight up refused to get custody over me. A week after the divorce, my dad and I moved to Stick City. I thought that since I was gonna be living alone with dad, we would get closer to eachother. I was so, so wrong. During those few months my dad brought around 25 new girlfriends home, including the one that was in my living room at the moment. He keeps breaking up with them when they 'Don't fit his standards'. Another reason why dad and I didn't get to bond more, was because of his new favourite hobby. Gambling. So now, my dad would spend half of the time at work and the other half with one of his girlfriends or at the casino.

I didn't want to stay at home anymore. I didn't feel good knowing that the only person who was here with me was some random stranger. I pulled out my phone. I knew Second asked me to hang out earlier, and that I declined, but maybe he was still free?

I texted him:

Red: Hey babe.

Second: Hey Red, what's up?

Red: R u buisy?

Second: Nope. I'm walking home. I met up with Green.

Red: Could I come over pls? I don't wanna stay at home.

Second: Sure, I'll come get you.

Red: Tysm! Love u <33

Second: Love you too.

I put my phone away. I sighed. I don't think staying at home overnight was a good idea. Knowing that dad will return from the casino, most likely a bit drunk and that his new girlfriend is here, they would probably... do stuff. And I wasn't gonna make the same mistake of staying here overnight and traumatizing myself. Nu-uh.

I grabbed a backpack. I shoved some clothes and my pyjamas inside. I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs. My dad's girlfriend was still in the living room, as I could hear the TV. Just as I was about to open the door and leave, my dad walked inside:

"H- Hey son! Where are you n- going?" He asked. He was definitely not sober.

"I'm going to Second's. Uh... We gotta study. I'll most likely stay there overnight." I said. My dad didn't know Sec and I were dating. And honestly, I wanted it to stay that way.

"Oh come on! Y- you can't even spend f-" He got cut off by a drunken hiccup "f- five minputes with your father?"

"Sorry dad, but I gotta study. By the way, your girlfriend's here." I said.

"Oh! That changes everything~ Beige~ I'm home honey~" He said walking over to the living room. Huh, so her name was Beige. Good to know.

I left the house. I walked for a moment untill I notised Second in the distance. I ran over to him and hugged him tightly.

"Second!" I yelled cheerfully.

"I'm happy to see you too." Second chuckled, kissing my forehead.

We contined walking to his house.

"Why didn't you want to stay at home?" Second asked.

"You know how my dad gets a new girlfriend basically every week?"


"He got a new one. She was sitting in my living room and I didn't really feel comfortable about it. Her name was... Beige I think? I'm not sure."

"Gotcha." Second nodded.

We walked in silence for a moment.

"Did you have dinner?" He asked.

"Nope. I basically came home from school, sat in my bedroom for 30 minutes and then left." I said.

"That's good to hear, cause as far as I know, Chosen said he'll order pizza tonight." Second smiled.

"Cool. But, don't you think that, y'know, it's not really nice of me to just barge into your house and stay there overnight and eat your food and all." I said.

"Nah, don't worry about it babe. You're always welcome. Besides, Chosen and Dark seem to like you more than me, so I wouldn't be too worried if I were you." He said.

I giggled. I took Second's hand in mine and held it gently. We still weren't used to holding hands in public, so I didn't make my grip too strong, in case Second would want to take his hand away.

We walked like this to his house. I was so glad I had him. I don't know what I'd do without him. I loved him so much. I hoped we would stay together forever. Because we would...



I'm so, so, so sorry that this took so FUCKING long, but this week was absolutely the worst week ever. I had like 5 tests and a presentation ://

About the song: It's invisible owo

Words: 936

Stay safe guys and I will see you in the next chapter :3

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