Chapter 3 - An unexpected return.

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Yellow's POV

I was walking home from school for the first time this year. I don't think I have to describe how boring today was. The only interesting thing that happened was Green constantly talking back to our math teacher. He got detention.

Blue also got detention, wich is why I was walking home alone. I already had a plan on how to spend the rest of today:

1. Do homework,

2. Go to Blue's,

3. Either stay there overnight or get back home when it gets too late.

I walked up to the front door. I started looking for the keys in my pocket. I leaned my hand against the door knob. To my suprise, the door was open. I felt my heartbeat speed up. I locked the door today. I'm sure about it.

I slowly walked inside, cautiously looking around. Suddenly, I head some footsteps and a rather familiar voice:

"Yellow! Ah, I see you're back from school. Wonderfull. Now, stop messing around. Dinner is on the table!" Said my dad.

What the fuck? Why was my dad here? What was happening?!

For context: my parents owned a huge company. A few years ago they expanded it and their main office was moved to the other side of the country. They decided to get themselves an apartment over there. They said they'd visit for Christmas, but they never did. They never called me, they never texted me, they never cared. That's why suddenly seeing my dad at home was a rather big suprise for me. What was he doing here?

I decided not to ask questions just yet. I put my stuff away and walked into the kitchen. To my suprise, mom was there too!

"Mom?" I said.

"There you are! What took you so long to get home?"

"It didn't take long. This is how I usually get home from school-"

"No excuses Yellow! Now sit down." She said firmly.

We sat down for dinner. For a few minutes there was nothing but silence.

"So Yellow, how are your grades at school?" Dad asked.

"Good. Mostly A's and B's-"

"What? You're telling me you have B's and you think that's good?" My dad spoke in a firm tone.

"A B is a good grade-"

"Not in this house! If you wanna become the owner of our company one day, you're gonna have to study better than that."


"Now, how about we talk about other important stuff. It's pretty fitting to be in a relationship at your age. So tell me son, do you happen to have someone?" He asked, looking at me with suspicion.

I sighed. This day had to come eventually.

"I have a boyfriend." I said quietly.

My dad almost choked on his food.

"Excuse me?!" He yelled.

"I have a boyfriend." I repeated.

"I heard you the first time! Damnit! Since when are you gay?!"

"....since always?" I said.

My dad sighed deeply.

"Where did I go wrong?" He murmured.

"And your boyfriend, what's he like?" My mom asked suddenly.

"He's great. We've been dating for quite a bit now. He's always been nothing but supportive and sweet. He's truly the love of my life. He had some trouble going on at home, but he's over that now-"

"What kind of trouble are we talking about here?" She asked.

"Well, his dad was an abusive alcoholic and his mom didn't really care about him. The poor guy was so fed up with it he even attempted an overdose... God, that was the worst day of my life. But he's doing better now and-"

"I already don't like what I hear. Yellow, don't you think that little boyfriend of yours is a bad influence on you? Drug overdose, alcoholic father." She said.

"But that's in the past! He's over it-"

"Silence! Young man, I do not like what I hear. We thought we could trust you, but it seemes you're still not responsible enough to live on your own. Terrible grades at school, some sketchy people around you, a fucking BOYFRIEND! What happened to you?" My dad asked.


"No excuses! I'll keep an eye on you from now on. Unbelievable! Absolutely unbelievable!" He said.

We continued eating in silence. I still had quite a bit on my plate, but mom suddenly took my plate away from me.

"But I haven't finished eating ye-"

"Yes, you have. You shouldn't eat that much. I mean, look at yourself." She said.

"Go to your room. Do your homework and study. And I swear if I catch you doing something else, there will be concequences." My dad said firmly.

I went to my bedroom. I locked the door behind me. I opened my closet. I had a mirror on the inner side of one of the doors. I looked at myself. I never liked my reflection. My face always seemed tired. No matter what I did, I wasn't able to get rid of the bags under my eyes. I lifted my shirt a little bit and looked at my body.

I was always pretty skinny. A little too skinny. Doctors always advised me to eat more, but gaining weight was a literal nightmare. When Blue and I lived together, he always made sure I ate something more nutritious than instant noodles. And I must say, I actually gained a few pounds from that, wich I was very happy with. But now, after what mom said, maybe I gained too much?

I pulled my shirt down and closed the closet. I sat down at my desk. I decided to do some homework to discract myself from negative thinking. I didn't even have much work to do. It was the first day of school after all.

Although I couldn't help but feel wierdly anxious and paranoid. I don't know why. They were just my parents after all. They knew what's best for me. They'd never hurt me...



HelllooooOOoo!!! :D

I am sooooooooooo excited about what's gonna happen!! There will be a lot going on! >:3

No song, sorry :V

Words: 1026

Stay safe guys and I will see you in the next chapter :3

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