Chapter 12 - I snapped at him.

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Yellow's POV

It's been around two months since my parents returned. Ever since then, I've been constantly working.

Dad kept constantly saying that my grades were too low, but I wasn't able to keep straight A's in all the subjects.

He also took my phone away, as it was 'too much of a distraction'. So now, I didn't have a way to comunicate with Blue. We could only see eachother at school. But the problem was, I didn't really want to see him...

You see, over those two months, I've been working hella hard. I barely ate or slept. I felt like shit, but I knew that I had to deal with it.

'Mom and dad will go back to work soon anyway. I'll be fine. I just have to keep studying.' I often thought.

But back to why I didn't wanna see Blue... Well, I didn't wanna worry him. I knew he cared a lot about my health, especially my weight issues, but I didn't want him to constantly worry. Especially since I barely ate anything at all...

I was walking home from school, all those thoughts lingering in my mind, when I heard a familiar voice behind me:

"Yellow! Wait up!"

I stopped and looked behind me, knowing damn well who I was gonna see.

"Hey Blue..." I murmured.

"Hey Yel..." He replied.

"So... uh... what's up?" I asked.

"Yellow, we gotta talk. Seriously." He spoke in a firm tone. Shit, I was in trouble.

We sat down on a nearby bench. We sat in silence for a moment, before Blue spoke up:

"Baby, what is going on with you lately? You don't anwser my calls or texts, you're constantly avoiding me, you're getting skinnier every day and you look like you haven't slept in ages! What's going on?" He said.

I sighed. I really didn't want to talk about all that.

"My parents took my phone away. It was 'too much of a distraction.'" I mumbled, not making eye contact with him.

"Oh... well that sucks."

"No shit."

"But what about the rest? What's going on baby?" He asked, placing his hand on my shoulder. I know he did it in an affectionate manner, but it made me really uncomfortable.


"What do you mean 'nothing'. There's clearly something wrong."

"Blue, it's nothing. Really. I'm just going through a bit of a thougher time, okay? It'll be over as soon as my parents leave."

"Yellow, that doesn't anwser my question." He said, keeping the firm tone.

"But I-"

"Anwser me."

I went quiet for a moment. I didn't like that tone of his. It stung me.

"I just... I just have to keep my grades high and I'll be fine." I said quietly.

"Of course it's about grades." He sighed.

We were quiet for a moment.

"Yellow, just tell me, please, what's going on?" Blue looked at me with eyes full of concern.

"Nothing is going on! Okay?! I'm fine!" I snapped at him.

I was loosing my patience. Couldn't he just fuck off? I was fine!

"Bullshit! You're not fine!" He replied.

"Yes I am!"

"No you're not!"

"YES I AM! I'M FINE DAMNIT!" I yelled.

Blue looked at me with wide eyes. I've never yelled at him like that before.


"Shut up! Just shut up! Just because I haven't eaten or slept over the last month doesn't mean you have to constantly loom over me and ask if I'm okay!"

"Yellow! Stop that! Look at yourself! You look like a sleep deprived twig!"

I glanced at my body. Yes, I was skinny. Yes, I might've gotten skinnier over the month. Yes, I was sleep deprived. But I still refused to admit out loud that he was right.

"Oh fuck that! I don't need you're constant worrying! I'm fine!"

"How is this fine Yellow?!"

"IT JUST IS OKAY?!" I snapped at him again.

I got up from the bench. I wanted to leave before I could hurt him even more.

"But Yellow..." He mumbled in a soft, quiet tone. I could see he was on the verge of crying.

"Haven't I told you to shut up?!" I glared at him.

Blue looked at my with hurt in his eyes as tears started slowly streaming down his cheeks.

"Oh for fuck's sake, stop crying! Grow up for once!" I scoffed before walking off.

I entered my house and went to my room. I locked the door. I sat down on my bed.

I could feel the guilt eating me alive.

'Why the fuck did I say that? Why the fuck did I yell at him? He didn't do anything wrong and I yelled at him like that! He was just worrying about my stubborn ass and I hurt him like this! Fuck! I'm so stupid! I'm so damn stupid...'

I rested my head against my hands. Tears slowly filled my eyes. I wasn't one to cry, but when it came to Blue, I wasn't able to hold the tears in.

I lied down on my bed. I stared at the ceiling as the tears streamed down my face.

'I'm a horrible boyfriend...

I'm a horrible person...

Just a stupid skinny son of a bitch...

That's all I am.

And that's all I'll ever be....'


I've been waiting to write this chapter since the begining of the book. And that's still not all the drama for Yellow and Blue...

About the song: nah.

Words: 923

Stay safe guys and I will see you in the next chapter :3

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