Chapter 19 - All my fault.

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TW: this chapter contains sensitive topics!


I sat in at my desk, my face buried in my hands. Could today get any worse?

Yesterday dad left for another business trip and left me in charge. So now I not only have to study all the time, but also look out for two younger sibling, one of them constantly fucking something up. Great.

I sighed.

I used to really dislike school, cause let's be honest, sitting there for hours isn't exactly fun. But now I just fucking hate it! Since it's my last year, I realized I gotta study at least a little bit, so I can go to college. But since I didn't study much in the past years, it turned out I barely know anything! The teachers advised me to go over past material alongside the current one, so I can at least get some basic knowledge. But all of that took ages! And when I was finally done, I was exhausted! I drank more coffee during this semester than I've drank water during my whole life!

And knowing that next year I'm gonna go to college in order to study even more makes me wanna fucking kill myself.

But school wasn't my only issue.
The other issue was Dark.

I know I promised him that we would spend time together, but due to the amount of studying I had, I was constantly tired. Not to mention that I barely had any free time.

I could only imagine how disappointed he was with me. Normally I'd go talk to him about it, but nowadays, I'm just not able to. My exhausted brain is too tired to deal with him, so it just reacts in an aggressive manner. And I hate that.

Even now, when I was sitting in my room, me and Dark were freshly after an argument. Normally, I'd go back to studying, but this time I decided to go talk to Dark. Or, well, try to talk to him.

I went over to his bedroom. The door was slightly opened, so I just walked in.

"Dark could we-" My eyes widened at what I saw.

Dark was sitting on his bed, pocket knife in hand, cutting his right wrist. The left wrist was cut too. Blood was slowly dripping from the freshly made wounds.

"Chosen! Why the fuck did you not knock!?" Dark snapped at me, though I could see a bit of panic in his eyes.

I didn't know what to say. I couldn't say anything. At least for a few seconds.

"Dark... What... Why?" I mumbled out.

Dark looked at the ground for a moment.

"It's none of your business. Now leave." He replied.

"Dark, why did you do this?" I said.

"I said, leave." He replied.

"ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF?!" I yelled. I could feel my eyes getting teary.

Dark didn't answer me.

"Chosen... Leave." He repeated, his voice shaky.

I walked over to him. I grabbed one of his wrists. I could see various patterns of wounds. Some fresh, some already scars.

"Dark..." I mumbled as tears fell from my eyes.

"Chosen..." Dark pulled his arm away from me.

We were both quiet for a moment.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do! But there's one thing I knew.

This was all my fault...

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