Chapter 4 - Attention.

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Red wasn't able to hang out today, so I decided to meet up with Green. We were best friends, yet we never really got much alone time together.

We walked from school together for the first time ever.

"So, what are we gonna do?" I asked.

"I dunno, we can play some games or just talk or something. There are many options." He said.

Soon, we made it to Green's house. He opened the door and let me in. As I expected the inside of his house looked very nice. Green's parents were wealthy people, so I wasn't suprised to see many interesting decorations on the walls and shelves.

"I'd offer you some sort of snack, but unfortunately I ran out. And I'm willing to bet that my parents forgot to buy me some. So yeah... sorry Fruit Loop." He said in a slightly annoyed manner.

"Nah, it's fine. I'm not hungry anyway." I said.

"Alright. We can... go to my bedroom I guess." Green said.

He led me upstairs, heading towards his bedroom. He opened the door. My eyes widened at what I saw.

The room looked like it didn't belong in this house. The walls were painted light gray, however they must've been painted at least 8 years ago. I notised a ton of posters of different music bands on the wall, though I think they were there to hide some of the cracks on the wall, instead of being a decoration. The room had some of the basic pieces of furniture, but seeing how fancy the rest of the house looked like, these looked pretty basic. I notised an empty plate and glass on Green's desk. The pretty dishes looked very out of place here. Honestly, if it weren't for the posters, books and other decorations, the room would be rather sad and empty.

Before I could even say anything, Green spoke up.

"Yeah. Uhm... So whenever my parents were renovating the house, they kinda... forgot about my room... Uhm... yeah..."

I could easily tell Green was embarassed by his bedroom.

"Wait, what? What do you mean 'they forgot'?" I said.

"I mean that they just... forgot about my bedroom." Green shrugged. He sat down on his bed.

"Honestly, I'm used to them forgetting about me." He mumbled shyly.

I walked over and sat down next to him.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked.

"There's not much to talk about. They just don't give a shit about me. They never did. And they never will. Have you ever wondered why I like being in the centre of attention so much? Here's your answer. I'm nothing more than a pathetic attention seeker. My own parents don't give a fuck about me. Sometimes I feel like my existance is just a result of a broken condom." He sighed.

I couldn't help but feel bad for the guy. Maybe my dad didn't treat me the best, but I knew that he cared about me, no matted what he did. And poor Green didn't even have that.

"Green, I-" I got cut off.

"Don't bother Second. I don't need your pity." He said, hiding his face in his hands.

I satin silence for a moment, trying to find the right words to comfort him. However, I got pulled out of my thoughts by a quiet sniffle that came from Green.

"Are you... crying?" I asked carefully.

"No! Fuck off." Green said in a rather aggresive tone. Though I could clearly tell he was crying.


"Second, stop it! I said, I don't want pity!"

"Oh shut it! I wanna help you, so stop being an arrogant idiot and let me help you! It's just the two of us! You can drop the act!" I said.

Green was quiet for a moment. Soon, he lifted his face from his hands. He was crying.

"Now, do you want Fruit Loop to give you a comforting hug?" I asked, opening my eyes for him.


I wrapped my arms around him. At first he was really stiff, but soon he eased up a bit and returned the hug. We pulled away after a moment.

"Thanks Fruit Loop. I dunno what I'd do without you." He said with a small smile.

"Anytime Green Bean."

"Green Bean? Really? I know you lack creativity, but come on dude!"

"Oh shut it! It was the only thing on my mind. Besides, you've been calling me a fruit loop for the last two months." I elbowed him.

"Cause you are a fruit loop. You're my Fruit Loop."

"And you're my Green Bean."

We sat in silence for a couple seconds before bursting out laughing.

"Gosh, that was so cheesy!" Green giggled.

"I know right!" I giggled aswell.

We continued talking and laughing together. That day changed my way of thinking about Green. I didn't see him as a attention magnet or a show off anymore. I saw him as a guy, who lacked love and affection from his parents. Cause that was the real Green. The Green who was the bestie that I loved.


Helloooooooo!! :D

No song (again).

Uhhhhhhhhhhh.... I dunno what else to say. Hmmm..... Apples.

Words: 878

Stay safe guys and I will see you in the next chapter :3

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