Chapter 13 - Lunchtime... again?

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Red's POV

We all sat at lunchtime. Usually we'd be eating, but today, the atmosphere was rather stiff today.

When me and Second came to school, we realised that Yellow and Blue weren't talking to eachother.

Actually, they were avoiding eachother. Wierd.

When we all went to sit down at lunchtime, Blue and Yel were still being quite wierd.

First, Blue came over to the table. He sat down and started talking with us. And then Yellow came. He didn't have aby food with him. He sat down opposite to Blue. The moment He appeared, Blue emediantly went silent.

They looked at eachother for a moment. The rest of us was silent, watching.

"You gonna say something or are you just gonna keep ignoring me?" Yellow asked.

"What am I supposed to say? That I'm sorry? For what? For worrying about you, or for you being too stubborn to get some help?" Blue replied.

Yellow went quiet.

"Why so quiet baby? Truth hurts, doesn't it?" Blue asked.

"Oh shut up. Spare me the sarcasm." Yellow scoffed.

"You know, I've been thinking about our little 'conversation' from yesterday and I came to a conclusion that you are a very, very sad person. You're angry at me for caring about you, when in reality you don't even care about yourself. Even now, you probably won't even eat anything, won't you?"

Yellow was still quiet, avoiding eye contact with Blue.

"You hurt me Yellow. You hurt me very deeply-" Blue got cut off.

"And you think I'm not hurt?!" Yellow spoke in an unusually aggressive tone.

"I don't doubt it Yellow. But the difference here is that my hurt was caused by you. And your hurt was caused by yourself."

Yellow sighed.

"You always do that, don't you?" He murmured.

"Do what?" Blue replied.

"You always make yourself the victim. Ever since I knew you, you've always been acting the same damn way! Well guess what?! You ain't the main character here! If you think that every time you do something stupid I'm just gonna cradle you in my arms like the stupid child you are and tell you everything will be okay, then you're wrong!" Yellow looked at Blue with bitterness in his eyes.

"Yellow, tell me though, what did I do? What's the 'something stupid' that I did?"


As Yellow yelled, I noticed Blue tearing up. I looked at the others. Everyone was absolutely shocked and concerned.

"I... I never knew that me caring about you was such a problem..." Blue mumbled. The tears I mentioned earlier started spilling from his eyes.

"You're pathetic y'know? You think that crying will make me soften up?" Yellow asked.

"...I hate you..." Blue mumbled before getting up from his seat and running out of the cafeteria.

The moment he said those words, I could notice the obvious change in Yellow's expression. His angry glare turned into a hurt frown. He stared at the spot Blue was sitting at just a few seconds ago.

"Yel?" Green asked.

"...fuck." Yellow murmured.

He got up and also left the cafeteria.

Now it was just the five of us.

"Now that was... something." Said Purple.

"Yeah... 'something' indeed." Second replied.

"I think they had an argument." Green looked at the direction both Yellow and Blue went.

"Ya don't say Green?" Gold scoffed.

"The fuck do you want?" Green raised an eyebrow.

"Gold?" Purple asked.

"I want you to fuck off. Is that so much to ask for?" Gold glared at Green.

"What's your problem dude?" Green replied.

"Guys?" Said Purple.

"Oh I dunno, maybe you constantly being around Purple." Gold murmured.

"Well duh, I'm his boyfriend. That's how it's supposed to be."

"Oh I don't think that's how it's supposed to be."

"What is that supposed to mean?!"

"You know damn well what I'm talking about!"

"Guys!" Purple tried to get their attention, but Gold and Green were already arguing.


"Y'KNOW WHAT? FINE!" Green yelled back before getting up from his seat and leaving.

"Green wait-" Purple tired to go after Green, but got stopped by Gold.

"What are you doing Purple? Aren't you gonna stay here with your brother?" Gold asked, emphasizing the word 'brother'.

"I- You- What? Green!" Purple looked at Gold confused, before running off after Green.

"...great. Just great..." Gold sighed before leaving too.

Me and Second sat in silence for a moment.

"What the fuck is going on today?" I asked.

"I dunno. At least we're not involved in any drama-"

The moment Second said those words a loud crash could be hear from across the cafeteria. We looked at the direction where the sound came from. It turns out Chosen and Dark got into a fist fight. The sound of their screams echoed through the room.

"Goddamnit, them too?! Gimme a moment. I gotta break them up." Second said before running off to his brothers.

I sat alone at the table. I felt so confused. What the hell? Why was everybody fighting with everybody today?! I looked at my food.

"Nah, I'm not hungry anymore." I murmured.


you think that you cool

but you ain't got a crown

be watchin' and learning 'cause I show you how

lookin' at me like you want my man

what the fuck?

what the fuck?

what the fuck?

what the fuck?

"WTF" by Hugel.



I'm back from the dead and I'm starting off strong with some good drama!! Hehe :3

Damn, thinking off a name for this chapter was such hell. I wish I could just name a chapter "Some random shit, I dunno honestly."

About the song: It fits the vibe of the chapter VERY well. Go listen to it. Now.

Words: 1002

Stay safe guys and I will see you in the next chapter :3

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