Chapter 18 - Where did you get those from?

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Blue's POV

I led Yellow inside my house. I was so happy that we got everything figured out. And I was happy to have him over.

I wanted to do it with him today. I wanted to have sex with him!

"Damn this place looks a whole lot better!" Yellow exclaimed, looking around.

"I know. The renovation really did wonders. Come on, let's go to my room."

We walked upstairs.

"The last time I've been here was when you..." Yellow trailed off.

"When I tried to kill myself?" I finished his sentence.

"Y- Yeah..."

We stood right in front of my bedroom. Looked up at him.

"Don't worry about that, okay baby? I'm over it now, okay? I'm good now. Alright?" I asked him. I didn't want him to be upset.

"O- okay... I guess..." Yellow mumbled.

We entered my bedroom. We sat down on my bed. It didn't take long for Yellow to pull me onto his lap. I snuggled up against him.

"I missed you, y'know?" I said.

"I know. I missed you too." He replied. He planted a kiss on my forehead.

I giggled.

We sat in a comfortable silence for a moment. Eventually, I decided to put my plan into action. I started planting small kisses on Yellow's neck. He jumped slightly when he felt my touch there.

"B- Blue?"


"W- what are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I replied casually. I tried to continue, but Yellow pushed me away.

"Blue, what are you up to?" He asked, looking at me with suspicion.

"Come on baby! Don't you wanna... put some more action into our relationship~"

I could see his face turning a bit red as I said that.

"W- what do you mean by 'action'?" He asked.

"I think we both know what I mean~"

With that said I placed a passionate kiss on his lips. I could see Yellow was holding back, but he soon melted into the kiss. I inserted my tongue into his mouth. He did the same for me.

We continued kissing passionately, our tongues moving in sync. I could feel his hands exploring my body. My shoulders, my chest, my waist, my thighs. Feeling his touch on me made me feel so damn horny. Hornier than ever.

After a moment we pulled away. We glanced at eachother.

"So? How will it be?~" I asked, a playful smirk on my face.

"Well... I guess it wouldn't hurt to do something~"

I couldn't contain my happiness.

"You have no idea how happy I am~"

I kissed him again. He kissed back. I felt his hands on me again, though this time he didn't just touch me. I could feel him tugging on my shirt. We pulled away for a short second and he took it off me and tossed it on the floor. And just like that, we soon ended up in our underwear. Our position also changed. I was no longer sitting on his lap. Instead I was getting pinned underneath him.

"So, you wanna... start?~" Yellow asked.

I was just about to agree, before I remembered about something. Something that could make this even more interesting.

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