Chapter 2 - Change.

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It was the last day of freedom. Or the last day of summer, as many would call it. Chosen and I were sitting in my bedroom. We were going through our phones. We didn't talk much, but we didn't need to. The silence between us was pretty comfortable. Yet I still decided to break it:

"Cho?" I asked with a slight whine.


"I don't wanna go to school tomorrow." I whined.

"Heh, every year you say the exact same thing. What am I supposed to say? This will be my final year."

"Already? Damn that passed quickly."

"Yeah.... I'm gonna have to actually study a bit this year."


"Don't be silly Dark. We both know the moment I finish hisghschool dad will kick me out to college. And if I wanna go to a good college, I should at least have some basic knowleage."

"I guess..."

I sighed. Chosen and I were never ones to study. We usually passed our exams by cheating or getting a low, but acceptable score. And now I hear that my brother wants to study all of a sudden. I mean, I understand that he wants to go to a good college and all but... I dunno, they thought of him suddenly deciding to study didn't sit well with me.

Chosen must've notised that I wasn't a fan of the idea:

"You got a problem with it?" He asked.

"No. I just... I dunno, I'm not used to the concept of you studying." I shrugged.

Chosen rolled his eyes. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. I didn't even bother pushing him away.

"Don't worry kiddo, just because I'm gonna study, doesn't mean we won't spend time together." He said.

"But it won't be the same."

"Well duh, that's how change works."

"I don't like changes." I murmured.

I sighed once more. I tried to accept Chosen's decision, but it indeed meant change. And I didn't want changes.

"I know, but that's what life is about. You gotta learn to accept change or your life won't be too easy buddy." Said Chosen.

"I know, I know..." I sighed

I don't know why I felt like this. But I didn't like it. I didn't like it at all.



"Why are you so worried about it? We'll still spend time together. We'll still be brothers."

"I know I just... I don't like the idea of change."

I sighed. I didn't feel good. I felt so wierdly vulnerable. It's not like it was something bad. It wasn't. Change was completely normal. And yet I was still acting like a pathetic weakling.

Chosen and I always did everything together. As long as I can remember. He was my brother. My bestest friend ever. And now, there was a  posibility that we wouldn't spend as much time together. And that posibility scared me. What was I gonna do without him?

"Dark, I know you don't like changes, but you'll get used to it eventually. Remember when Second was born? You didn't like the idea of another sibling. You stayed at far away from his as possible! And look at you now: you're a great big brother for him. It will take some time, yes, but eventually, you'll get used to it." He spoke softly.

This was one of the many sweet moments Chosen and I shared. He knew how to comfort me. I knew how to comfort him. He pulled me even closer to him. I didn't pull away. I needed that. Even though the thought of changes was still lingering in my mind, I couldn't help but feel a bit better.

"Thanks Cho. You always know the right thing to say." I smiled weakly.

"You're welcome. Remember, if anything's bothering you, I'm always here for you when you need me."



I smiled softly. His words filled me with hope and relief. After all, Chosen wasn't going anywhere, for now at least. He was still gonna be here. It was gonna be fine.

We continued chatting about school and other stuff. Chosen kept his soft embrace around me. It made me feel safe. I knew he would be there for me. And I would be there for him.


hangin' out where I don't belong is nothing new to me

I get tired, and I get sick, and then I lose the strength to leave

I can't handle change

I can't handle change

nothing I do is ever good

nothing I do is ever good enough

nothing I do is ever good

nothing I do is ever good

nothing I do is ever good enough

nothing I do is ever good

leave me alone

leave me alone

leave me alone

leave me alone

I can't help but repeat myself

I know it's not your fault

still lately, I begin to shake

for no reason at all

for no reason at all

for no reason at all

for no reason at all

for no reason at all

"I can't handle change" by Roar.


Helloooo! :D

Another chapter done! YAY!

About the song: I LOVE THAT SONG SO MUCH OMG!!! Yous should definitely listen to it!!

I can't wait to write more with Dark and Chosen, as they will definitely have some stuff going on!!

Words: 898

Stay safe guys and I will see you in the next chapter :3

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