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Chapter three

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Chapter three.

Aragorn helps Sam secure the baggage over Sam's pony, Bill. 

The group stand by the gate, waiting for Ariadne as they finish preparing. Legolas looks up as Ariadne walks down beside Alexandre; the deep purple corset hugs over a white blouse, the long sleeve flow over her knuckles as the blouse connects to a hood at rests on her back, the dark trousers tucked into her knee high boots, curled hair pulled over her shoulders.

"Your staring," Aragorn whispers, nudging Legolas out of his trance.

"I am not," Legolas whispers back, eyes trailed on Ariadne.

"Be safe," Alexandre looks down at his sister with a small smile, "I will see you soon."


"No," He shakes his head, placing a hand on her shoulder, "I will see you soon."

Ariadne nods, smiling softly, "Okay."

"Here," Alexandre takes off the dagger from his side, the black leather handle decorated with a single golden string wrapped around it, taking the dagger from the sheath, the silver blade with a matted leaf details.

"But this is-"

"I know," Alexandre passes it too her, watching with a small smile as she runs her fingertips over the blade, "He would want you to have it."

Ariadne looks up at her brother, "Thank you."

Alexandre presses a kiss on his sister's forehead, swallowing an emotion as he watches his sister walk away as she slides the dagger into her thigh holster. Aragorn offers to take the bag from her shoulder with a small smile, placing it on the back of the horse.

Ariadne pats Gimli's shoulder as she passes with a smile, standing between Merry and Pinnin who smile up at her. Gandalf stands beside them as Elrond stands with the Elves, looking down at their only hope of winning the war, "The Ring-bearer is setting out on the Quest of Mount Doom. On you who travel with him, no oath nor bond is laid to go further that you will. Farewell. Hold to your purpose. May the blessing of Elves and Men and all Free Folk go with you."

"The Fellowship awaits the Ring-bearer," Gandalf smiles, placing a hand on Frodo's shoulder.

Merry looks up at Ariadne who looks down at him with a kind smile, he waves up at her shyly making her chuckle as she winks at him, turning to walk behind Gandalf as they leave. Merry stares at her before blinking harshly, a blush rises to his cheeks as he looks up at Aragorn as he passes, the man chuckles patting the Hobbit on the back.


"I believe you have admirers,"

Ariadne looks at Legolas as he walks beside her. The Hobbits fall back slightly, with their little legs, the group walk at a slower pace as they trek through a land of deep valleys, miles and miles away from their first stop at the Misty Mountains. Ariadne looks over her shoulder, waving back at Pippin, who giggles, smacking Merry's arm.

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