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Chapter eight

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Chapter eight.

The Fellowship was broken; Frodo and Sam had set for Mordor on their own to carry on the journey to destroy the ring. Merry and Pippin had been taken, mistaken for the Hobbits that had the ring.

Gimli stood leaning on his axe, with Ariadne by his side as she watches Legolas and Aragorn push out the boat that carried Boromir's body. Boromir died a hero, realising he was trapped in a hold of the Ring and tried saving Merry and Pippin from the Orcs. Ariadne placed the broken horn by Boromir's side, gently brushing hair off his pale face before they gently pushed the boat out. They watched silently, saying their own goodbyes.

"We have to go," Legolas gently reminded then before quickly rushing towards the boats, "Frodo and Sam have reached the Eastern shore!"

Ariadne glanced across the river, seeing a small grey boat left on the riverbank. Looking over at Aragorn, he watches the small boat for a moment before looking down at the three.

"You mean not to follow them," Legolas says in realisation, glancing a look at Ariadne.

"Frodo's fate is no longer in our hands," Aragorn replies, tightening the vambraces to his forearms.

"Then it was all in vain," Gimli sighs, walking towards them, "The Fellowship has failed."

"Not if we hold true to each other," Aragorn breathed, laying a hand on Gimli and Legolas's shoulder, sending Ariadne a small smile which she mirrored, "We will not abandon Merry and Pippin to torment and death, not while we have strength left," He spares a glance around the camp, "Leave all that can be spared behind, we travel light," Ariadne smiles gratefully at Legolas who passes her, her bag that sat by Merry's bedroll, "Let's hunt some Orc." 

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