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Chapter five

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Chapter five.

"Ah! It's this way!"

"He's remembered!"

"No, but the air doesn't smell so foul down here."

Legolas holds out a hand to gently pull Ariadne up, she smiles gratefully at him before standing beside the wizard who smiled at them, "If in doubt, Meriadoc, always follow your nose."

The path was cold and dark, steps slippery and withered. At the bottom of the steps, Gandalf cautiously increased the light that shone from his staff, revealing the chamber they stood in; great stone columns support the high ceiling, carved into elegant shapes.

"Behold- the great realm of the dwarf city of Dwarrowdel," Gandalf beamed as he lead them through.

"Well there's an eye opener, and no mistake," Sam breathed in awe.

Ariadne stayed further back beside Aragorn and Legolas, looking over the inscriptions carved into the stone before looking over her shoulder into the darkness behind them. Legolas notices her pause, taking a few steps back following her eyeline.

"What is it?" Legolas whispers as Aragorn comes to stand the other side of her.

"Nothing," Ariadne replies, "Just a feeling."

"A feeling we all share," Aragorn gently says, turning to the two with a small smile, "Come along."

Ariadne takes a last look over the darkness before turning with Legolas to continue following the others. Ariadne takes her father's dagger from her side keeping it tightly in her grasp as Gimli made a sound of alarm before suddenly dashing away. Rushing to catch up, daylight poured into the hall through a tiny window set miles above them, the tiny light illuminating a white marble block. Legolas gently places a hand on Ariadne's arm as she looks down at the carcasses of the fallen dwarves littering the ground.

Gandalf carefully stepped over the debris on the floor to read the ruins, "Here lies Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria...He is dead the, it is as I feared."

Gimli wept loudly as Ari gently kneeled beside him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder as Gandalf dusts away debris off a book. Pages slipped out, littering the floors of the tomb as her opened it.

"We must move on, we cannot linger," Legolas gently says as Ariadne stands, worryingly looking over at the Hobbits.

"They have taken the bridge," Gandalf began to read, his fingertips tracing over the words as he read, "We have barred the gates, but cannot hold them for long, the grounds shake. Drums, drums in the deep.. we cannot get out. A shadow moves in the dark."

Ariadne looks over at Legolas, catching his eyes as he unconsciously draws an arrow before the two look over at the open hall doors, Gandalf continues, "We cannot get out. They are coming."

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