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Chapter two

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Chapter two.

Ariadne smiles gently at Pippin as she lays a thin blanket over his shoulders. He had gave into temptation and held the Palantír, now the enemy thought Pippin held the ring. Now they stood around the fire in the hall, working out their next plans now that enemy lingered to close.

"There was no lie in Pippin's eyes," Gandalf sighed, "A fool, but an honest fool."

Ariadne presses a comforting kiss on Pippin's head before thanking a kind lady who passed her some water for Pippin.

"He told Saruman nothing of Frodo," Gandalf pauses as Gimli huff out a breath, "We have been strangely fortunate. Pippin saw a glimpse of the enemies plans, the enemy moves to strike Gondor."

Aragorn shares a look from across the fire with Ariadne who offers him a small fleeting smile as Gandalf continues, "Men are not as weak as he supposed, there is courage still. Strength enough, perhaps, to challenge him. Sauron fears this. He will not risk the peoples of Middle Earth uniting under one banner. He will raze Minas Tirth to the ground before he sees a King return to the throne of men."

Gandalf looks around at them all, before his eyes linger on the king, "If the beacons of Gondor are lit Rohan must be ready for war."

Ariadne felt the room tense, as the King paused, looking up at the wizard with a raised brow, "Tell me, why should we ride to the aid of those who did not come to ours, what do we owe Gondor?"

Aragorn stares at the King in disbelief, running a hand over his beard as he sighs, "I will go-"


"They must be warned," Aragorn argues.

"They will be," Gandalf gently replies, lowing his voice as he speaks to Aragorn quietly.

Legolas looks over the fire at his love, smiling gently as she looks after Pippin, fixing the blanket around his shoulders. Ariadne looks up at him, his eyes meeting hers as she gives him a smile that made the tips of his ears dust pink. Their gaze breaks as Gandalf turns around, addressing the room, "Understands this; things are now in motion that cannot be undone. I ride for Minas Tirth and I won't be going alone."

Their gaze falls on Pippin, who sits un straight with wide eyes as he looks between the group before his eyes fall on Ariadne who gives him a soft smile.

"Go and get ready Pippin," She says, making the Hobbit nod, climbing out the chair, following Merry out of the hall.

The hall falls silent as Ariadne sighs, crossing her arms under her chest as she leans against the pillar. Gandalf huffs as he sits down, running a hand over his long white beard.

"Now is the time to unite Kingdoms," Gandalf breaks the silence, looking up at Ariadne who looks at him through the fire, "If this Kingdom does not come to the aid of Gondor," Gandalf sends a pointed look at the King, before turning to Ariadne, "We will need help-"

The Battle Between Us, Legolas.Where stories live. Discover now