Ariadne Hawkenshire, daughter of King Arthur, stands in a hidden persona amongst the strongest warriors known. Legolas, son of King Thranduil, sees her as she is.
Was previously called As Quick as an Arrow.
Written following the three movies with a...
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Chapter three.
"I have only ever served you, my lord!"
Ariadne looked down upon Grima as the King towered over him, sword held tightly in his grasp as Grima cowered down the steps. Gandalf walked closely as Ariadne stood beside Legolas and Gimli as they watched.
"Your witchcraft would have had me crawling on all fours like a beast!" The King snarled as he slowly descended the steps.
"Send me not from your sights!" Grima begged, his hands covering his face as the King raised his sword.
Ariadne looked over her shoulder as Aragorn rushed down the steps towards the King, quickly catching the King's arm before he could bring the sword down on the traitor.
"No, my lord!" Aragorn shouts, steadying the king, "No, my lord. Let him go. Enough blood has been spilled on his account."
Grima spat at Aragorn's outstretched hand, quickly scrambling to his feet as to flee the steps, pushing his way through the crowd of people, pushing them out of his way as he goes.
"Hail, Theoden King!" Aragorn called to the crown, kneeling before the King as the crowd followed.
The King glanced around them before walking back up the steps to his home. Ariadne sighed, looking over the crowds as they disperse.
"Are you okay?" Legolas softly asks, looking at her as she turns to him and nods with a gently smile.
"As good as we can be," She replies, "I feel like I have aged ten years."
Legolas laughs, before giving her a kind smile, "You look beautiful, Ariadne."
Ariadne walked beside Legolas and Aragorn as they followed Gandalf and King as they lay the King's son to rest. Eowyn gave her a spare dress, after Ariadne had a warm, well earned bath; a black dress with long flowed sleeves that fell over her knuckles, red detailing around the neckline and following down the scoop of the backless dress.
They watch mournfully as the Prince is placed to rest, Legolas looks at Ariadne as a tear runs down her cheek as Eowyn's sings. He looks forward, taking a deep breath as he reaches for her hand, fingertips brushing against hers before she takes his hand into her own.
"This is but a taste of the terror Saruman will unleash,"
Gandalf gestures to the two children, who had ran from the West village after it had been taken over by Orcs. Ariadne sits beside Aragorn, opposite Gimli as Legolas stands beside her, watching as Gandalf speaks to the defeated King.
"All the more potent for he is driven now by fear of Sauron, your company will not be enough," Gandalf turned to the King, laying a hand on the arm of the throne, "Ride out and meet him head on. Draw him away from your women and children, you must fight."