1- Blood Is Pretty

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POV - Ayana

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POV - Ayana

I keep forgetting how stressful the period before presentations could be. I remember the daily struggle of waiting up to 6 hours for my work to be critiqued in art school, after walking around and viewing what others did as if I got a hint of shut-eye since the last time we did that.

This time my teams' deadline was last week and I got no emails about fixing any Cinderbyte assets today which means I'm not doing overtime and my bonnet got to reunite with my pillow. Even after all the attention, love and playtesting our work got, I still dreaded the launch.

I'd have to meet and talk to people even in the video game industry, and I could not stand being perceived by more than one person at a time. My stomach felt like it was trying to spread acid far enough to reach my brain, I'd definitely throw up before that happens though. And I knew I will survive this.

Or at least the train ride.


"Oh you made it!" my supervisor never sounded this cartoonish "I thought you don't like events". She lifted her arms, stopped and then tuck her hair on both sides. The smell of her new perfume Itched against my nose. Was she going to hug me? Too late for that and now, I hated this conversation before It really began. 

"You said it's important" thankfully I smiled automatically in front of others "I assumed this was big enough for me to hide in the crowd.. you adjusted your makeup to the new piercing perfectly, by the way. The blush looks good ".

I've long since mastered the ability to avoid awkward silences, the long college years taught me to voice any randomly positive observation and hope people accept that as your two cents.

We were close to the entrance, stayed right outside the auditorium by the snacks, but not close enough to the windows. After nodding and thanking me, 'Supervisor Lady Jane' did that thing with your face when you don't know how to continue or get out of a conversation.

She has only been kind to me at work so I just said "I'm going to look for any fans of the game, maybe talk to the producers of the event before going ghost".

I was going to sit my ass down and read some webtoons.

Jane's smile widened but didn't reach her eyes "That sounds fun" she said and crossed her arms "maybe i'll join you on lunch break?".

I could only smile and nod at her, this is getting worse. Did I not just tell her I wanted to be alone? Ooohh I'm overthinking again, she probably just did the normal socialite thing of inviting yourself to things as a complement to how the other is spending their time or whatever. She was being her kind self. No need to panic.

I'm still nodding.

After awkwardly lowering my head and using that momentum to leeaaveee, I found a small group of people organizing chairs, hanging Cinderbyte posters, checking the sound, lighting and computers.

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