14 - Focus

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Pov - Ayana

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Pov - Ayana

The winds blew around the cabin, throwing the rain harshly in different directions. The thumping at the window to my right pulsed louder every few seconds, spreading enough chilled air through the glass to make me shiver.

My mind hinged on Steve's voice thus far, and ruining my focus on getting him to talk by complaining about being only half cozy would have to wait.

"Uhh he.. Uhh he would set this rule sometimes.." Steve's face got redder and redder as he recalled the story, a few sentences in he refused to look me in the eye and shock was visible on my face. my own burning face, I was burning nearly everywhere really.

While Steve remained awkward and kept meekly telling about the games with many pauses, he told the story well. I was on the edge of my seat by the end and could feel my insides burning as hot as they had with our first kiss.

My back was now turned towards the window and the chills down my spine made the rest of my body beg for the familiar hot planes of his body. I needed more than just shelter from the cold though.

He rubbed his hands together while describing to me in detail how Bucky would say that the loser had to take a piece of clothing off with every loss, which I expected but then Steve explained that Bucky did that knowing full well that he'd lose.

Apparently, Sargent-mother-fucking-Barns would pretend to be a sore loser to encourage Steve to keep playing and winning. He would be nearly naked by the time Steve realized how far they'd gotten, poor noddle would not be able to focus on the rest of the game resulting in him losing his clothes as well.

Steve avoided the details after that point. No matter, I'd get the full story someday soon...

Their games sounded like a lot of fun.

Steve then began ranting, his speech was faster, almost slurred as he told me about how they tried the same thing post-supersoldier serum, and that ended in Steve taking the lead for the first time ever.

"I got bigger, you know... In the way that makes people popular with the Dames," His use of that word made me snort "Bucky clearly hadn't expected that, he looked at me different. Good different, but I didn't know how to handle it..."

His eyes were sparkling, he was holding back a smile, and kept rubbing the back of his shaved head "He got shy and adorable for a bit after the rescue, he wouldn't talk much unless he had to and he'd keep giving me this smile.. Like he wanted to.. Oh god" he leaned back, slack on the couch, wide eyes to the sealing, covering his burning cheeks as he slid slightly in his spot.

"Like he wanted to gobble you up?" I giggled "Like, in a new way?"


"Like, in a submissive way?"


I laughed louder "Am I wrong?"

He leaned away from me with an embarrassed chuckle "No..."

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