3 - Crashed For Naught

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Pov - Steve

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Pov - Steve

I'm not dead.

I'm not dead with the other half of my soul.

"Code thirteen-"

The lady that would rather call for reinforcements instead of giving the answers I needed better not be anything like hydra. After tossing her men with strength that shouldn't have broken the wall I ran through the clean and cold occupied corridors and prayed that this place truly was New york city.

I pushed away any suited person that tried stopping me and found a way out of the building. I needed to find agent Carter.

My eyes, ears and nose have been overloaded trying to find anything familiar amongst the colorful boxy new place. Even my feet couldn't make sense of the new patterns and near lack of cracks or random sharp rocks on the wet street. This place still somewhat felt like home.

Even if it looks like someone broke into it just to plaster self promoting nonsense to the walls.

My confusion slowed me down and in my shock I was too late to realize that I was surrounded by cars. Those appeared equally as clean in a soulless way as the building I ran out of.

Men exited the cars around me and one of them called out "At ease, soldier!" behind me.

As he stepped closer with false familiarity I noticed his eye patch and lack of uniform. Was this their leader?

"Look, I'm sorry about that little show back there, but we thought it best to break it to you slowly." said the man and remained a safe distance away from me.

"Break what?" Was he going to explain where we really were?

"You've been asleep, Cap. For almost 70 years" he explained.

I could not think. I tried rationalizing the fact I've been given but could only hear the unfamiliar noise around me fading slightly, as if even when I could grasp anything it would be vaporized seconds before I could really contextualize it.

I've been gone, just not in the way anyone, including myself, had expected...

"Are you gonna be okay?" asked the pirate.

"Ye- yeah, just.."

Just then the binds of my soul tugged in multiple directions. Just like when Bucky fell. My chest tightened at the thought. I heaved, looking around and trying to anchor myself to anything when the conversation (If it counts as one) wasn't enough.

"I-" how do I tell this man that I'd let the valkyrie crash all over again? "I'm just late for a.. Reunion".

"Captain," he called, trying to snap me out of my partial haze "I hope you're talking about Carter, you could still make that reunion"

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