2 - Textured Darkness

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Pov - Ayana

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Pov - Ayana

Coming to terms with the fact that I was dead did not take long, unfortunately I tend to adapt to new rules quite quickly even to my detriment. People in my past that discovered that about me sooner that I have, used it against me.

'Nana will do anything If you prep her enough.'

Life wasn't necessarily easier when I learned to say no, but I got better at understanding it. Was all of that a waste of my time?

Another police officer showed up seconds before the ambulance moved and joined us in it. I heard the last of Jane's muffled cries and general panic from my coworkers before the driver finally ignited the engine and pulled out of the alleyway.

The ride to the hospital was kinda boooring. I'd usually be able to fill transportation boredom with my imagination and\or music but I can't do that while expecting to hear important things. My self insert, superpowered, deus ex machina oc in the walking dead universe will have to wait for the morgue fridge.

Oh hell no. imma freeze to de- imma freeze beyond death.


I didn't know how long I'd been dead for, so I'd have to wait for the morgue person to cut me open and record their process. They'd probably announce the time and introduce themselves before cutting into me.




Cool cool


"I got a phone" said the left medic. A tanned arm over my face passed the phone to a dark skin palm.

"Its unlocked and recording" officerrr you have a deep voice.

"I mean you already arrested the guy" said the driver "do you really need that?"

I was being cautious!

The officer huffed "seriously? this could help with giving that man the maximum sentence-"

Fuck yeaaaaa

"-She was being smart," he breathed the biggest sigh i ever heard "young too... you could never know how events could be twisted to make us look like the bad guys".



It's been hours and almost nothing happened. Why is my soul still here?! Wtf?!

I was lying on the coldest table in the coldest creepiest room with only a thin blanket covering my nakedness. I've been 'prepared' by a yet-to-be-discovered perv who thankfully behaved other than the lingering stares. I was ready for the last bit of pain to come and due to my lack of connection to my body I couldn't even gag at the combined smell of my drying blood and hospital..ness...

God? Sir? May I at least cry?

"I am Flint, not god" a deep layered voice pierced through my astral mind "And let me extract you first"


"Apologies miss, I cannot translate that"

Are you Death?

I could not sense anyone physically with me in the room, yet the voice I heard came from behind me. Almost above my head but also in my head.

"In a way, But I cannot elaborate" he was actually speaking fast "you have to consent to transmigration and I have more dead beings to find" he said and I felt someone pulling me off the table without moving my body. I glanced at my hands and - oddly enough - cloaked body, taking in my new wispy ghost form before turning to face the reaper.

What is he?! I tilted my head while trying to understand the humanoid blob of black fire in front of me.

"Where am I gonna be isekai-d to?" I asked, happy to kind of feel my body moving again. Even though my senses of touch and temperature were dull, they were not accompanied by pain.

"Excuse me miss?"

"Where will I be sent to? why?" I tried again.

"I am prohibited from revealing that miss" Flint glided closer "however, I can guarantee your complete regeneration, health and comforting familiarity with your surroundings upon arrival"

"Will it hurt?"

"Very, miss"

"Will I be stuck in my body again next time I die?"

"Excuse my tardiness, I take full responsibility for your additional suffering-"

"What does that have to do wi-"

"-Had you been on the list I would have arrived mere seconds before your death..."

"Flint?! I was starting to like you! How was I not on your list?!" I was truly flabbergasted. "I could have avoided half of that trauma if whoever decided to isekai me gave you a heads up?"

Flint was about to reply I think, I mean, it's a mouthless fire-blob that leaned forward, when my sobbing mother, 19 year-old sister and Jane followed a doctor into the morgue.

"Alright, I consent to being transmigrated!" I almost yelled towards Flint

"You sure? You can watch for closure-"

"I consented! Thank you! LEt'S FUcKInG GO!" I croaked, dreading the thought of spending another millisecond around sad people, and Flint's body expanded into complete darkness around me.


I spent maybe 5 minutes with a clogged throat thinking about what my loved ones and co. (no offense Jane) were experiencing and whether or not I regret not staying to see what happens.

I would not express negative emotions in front of people, I have never been comfortable enough to even randomly initiate a hug with anybody. I didn't even have stuffed animals to do that with. I think I've been lonely for about 20 years.

It's lonely here too.

"Flint?!" I yelled when I realized that he wasn't in front of me anymore. The silence and emptiness were so harsh that It felt like the pressure on my ears that forced me to hear my organs also held me suspended in the air from all directions.

The only things in my line of sight were the blobs and dull sparks of color that the confused light receptors in my eyes are trying to pick up.

"FLIIIIINT!" my voice broke again.


And I burst into tears, Fully ugly crying I'm sure, I was startled because when was the last time I had done so with my voice?!

That just intensified the sobbing and triggered a headache.

Aren't I a ghost? Why do my tears burn as they stream down my face and neck?

I was holding my face in my palms when the most subtle honk startled me enough to remove my fingers away from my eyes.

I heard it again and froze.

I willed my breathing to calm a bit so I could try to understand why the new busy street noises came from fucking below me.


I'm trying to write the love interests' pov, have any tips on how to write like an asgardian? or a soldier from the 40's? or a hyper sokovian man? 

thank you!

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