6 - Y\N Is That You?

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Pov - Ayana

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Pov - Ayana

All in all, I was in the hospital for only 30 more minutes, trying not to go into another panic attack when I finally put two and two together. the references finally made sense, the names, place, general date, and finally faces all clicked and the thing that made the most noise in my mind was;

I hugged Captain fucking America.

I don't cry in front of just anybody,

that was Captain America!

I cried my heart ou-

I made *him* cry.

I'm in the Avengers' universe-


-and people are going to die, I looked at Coulson, he has less hair, he's gonna die. Can I save him? Or anybody? What if Hydra notices-

"Ayana please" Steve's voice was just above a whisper, and with gentle thumbs he wiped my new teardrops away "You- everything's okay, I'm here for you, doll".

I looked around, not sure what to do with myself, and dove back into his arms. My new security blanket.

"Gotta say, this is pretty heartwarming" Coulson was speaking all uncle-like "Soulmates usually get awkward in the first stage, there's usually a lot of wanting to touch, opting to stare and.. text.. I don't know" his voice was the same as I remembered. His face more square I thought, his hair made him look slightly older.

Soulmates, for real?

"Uh yess.. Fitz and I are still at the.. super awkward stage-" added Doctor Simmons.

A soulmate AU? Are you for real, Flint?!?!

Said doctors also looked the same, maybe even younger? Like they just graduated high school, Fitz's hair was big, those were good, healthy curls. Finally, the fucking director of shield did not have his eyepatch on. Whatever Mister Goose did to him in this timeline looked more gnarly.

I'm sure the pain was not worth it but it looked so fucking cool! My fingers kept twitching from the need to draw it.

"-And we've known each other for years at this point," she said, then with a lower, unsure tone, added, "I hope that if we have another soulmate they're more decisive and confident and such.."

Fitz gave her an awkward smile that softened when she was no longer looking at him.

"Don't rely on that Idea.." I said automatically, subconsciously stepping back into trying to act normal and social. "Try and work on that without them? Might make them proud..idontknow... imeanyoudontevenknowifhteyexsist..."


"If you're still awkward -" I'M STILL TALKING I GUESS "- pretend to meet for the first time again with parts of yourself that you've never shown anybody to help with the transition of.. Uhh.. the nature of the existing relationship..?"

What Timeline Is This?! (Avengers soulmate au)Where stories live. Discover now