20 - Bugs

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Pov - Ayana

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Pov - Ayana

I sat on the bench close to the door and tried soaking up some rays again, letting the sun charge me up while I caught my breath. Steve and Natasha were sparing, they seemed to enjoy challenging each other, her wide range of knowledge and agility vs his speed and strength. Both found one another's weaknesses rather quickly. I knew only because Rumlow was speedwagoning the whole thing, He might have noticed how I struggled with following. 

Coulson got back and handed me two phones for me and Steve, ones with normal opacity, thank fuck, and left. His laugh at my excited expression echoed in the corridor.

I spent a few minutes getting used to the interface before taking pics of the people in the room, through my light-distorting stars of course, I was still training.

"These are regular phones, like in terms of functions, right? I need music." I asked Rumlow after spotting the headphone jack, he'd replaced Steve in sparring with Nat, then confirmed with a grunt after hitting the floor.

good, cause I need to get on unlocking memories on how to download music... shieeeet.

Ohhh it's gonna be years before dubstep gets more interesting than skrillex...

By the time we were done, and I had completed a few extra tests, Nat seemed completely comfortable with the both of us. I was exhausted mentally, too out of it to talk, and only watched as the super spy and super soldier sparred again as fast as anime characters.

I remembered that I didn't have to try to be the sun or create perfect illusions, I started thinking like a character designer, this is my light OC's training arch. What do I need to learn how to do first? go for something more specific and focused?

I thought back to the highlighter of a character from 'Sky High', nobody could see him glowing because the light was too weak to compete even against a toy flashlight, he was a glow-in-the-dark action figure really, but what if he focused the energy it took to do the same into one small part of his body, like laser vision?

a more accurate comparison to the idea would be the spirit gun from Yu Yu Hakusho.

I realized how relevant my nerdy hobbies were to my training and almost cried, I was extremely thankful to whoever's idea it was to give me powers based on my profession and interests.

Imagine if I had enhanced hearing or flight, those scare me, I would not want to develop or use these abilities at all.

I tried emitting light from the tip of my finger. It didn't work. Maybe I needed another thing to trigger that? Maybe I could start with a different ability to cheat my way there. I bent the light around my finger and tried upping the 'exposure', turning the distorted star into a light source. I succeeded only in changing my finger's color through the shape, it was like a hovering blue filter.

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