22 - Shop Therapy

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A/N - Jul 27th - Another Header missing
bc miss author is strugglinggggg

Aug 10th - Redeemed!!!!

Aug 10th - Redeemed!!!!

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Pov - Steve

How do people do it?! How do people just walk around in public with their soulmates without wanting to be inside them all the time?! How am I going to survive pushing down the fire spilling from my heart and mark to my lower half? I thought I was lost to the need with bucky, but turns out war had only suppressed most of it. I need to tear our clothes off!

"Maybe you two needed like a month out there.."

"Huh?" I turned, startled to a smirking Agent Romanoff. I could swear on my new body that in Ayana's place or mine, this woman would still know most about most.

"You look at her like you're about to complete the bond here and now."

I gaped at her, almost nodded and just replied "So where's your new mission?"

She chuckled "Europe"

"Even the country is classified..."

"You know it"

Ayana and Agent Barton were walking ahead of me and Romanoff, the spy duo was set on us remembering exactly how to get to their hotspots on foot. I was subconsciously aware that we passed through the familiar buildings of Times Square and less-than-appealing, construction-filled alleyways, my focus was mainly on my soulmate.

Ayana has gotten more comfortable and less smiley by a significant amount since leaving the meeting. Her hands weren't twitchy and stuck to her sides, she was freely playing with her braids and her voice changed volume uncontrollably as she explained something I couldn't hear over the noises of the busy streets.

She hasn't completely loosened up her guard and chose to communicate with Barton the same as she did with Nat or Coulson. She wasn't as hesitant as she was around Ward or had the subtle annoyance present whenever Rumlow was around, but she was also not freely engaging in witty banter as she did with the billionaire.

She was impressive at the meeting, the lack of attitude I was used to had worried me but then she got to show off and almost ramble in front of strangers.

My emotions kept changing too fast the entire meeting, I went from nervous to slightly annoyed, to proud. I was mostly eager to see my soulmate impress people with her abilities, but she ended up shocking me too. Hiding my smugness was a bit of a challenge, especially as I realized that most of the people in the room were men. Most of the people in the room were white. My soulmate was neither and I hope she reminded them that their own organization should reflect how different they were from Hydra.

Towards the end of the meeting, however, my pride was a bit overshadowed by some jealousy. Other than addressing me for a few seconds to make sure I knew I was old, Tony Stark had not paid any attention to me at all, which would have been fine If he wasn't so chummy with Ayana.

What Timeline Is This?! (Avengers soulmate au)Where stories live. Discover now