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— The food has disintegrated and you must pay to survive

    Ji Hui looked into the now empty bag with a gloomy pout. He had finished it all already. I mean he knew he would finish it sooner or later but he didn't expect so soon.

Pancake nudged his cheek to comfort him.

"What's wrong with him?" Dokja asked Yoo sangah who was watching Ji Hui sulk over the eaten goods that he had just finished.

"I think he finished his rations." Yoo sangah said with a small smile. She couldn't help but smile at Ji Hui.

I mean he was a cute child.

[ The constellation 'Empress mother' comforts incarnation 'Ji Hui'. ]

[ The constellation 'Auroras kiss' comforts that he could get more later. ]

[ The constellation 'Sea Tyrant' says snap out of it. ]

[ The constellation 'Empero of the abyss' says too cheer up. ]

[ 200 coins have been sponsored.]


"Ah, I see. He was always a gluttony." Kim Dokja sighs and shakes his head after looking at Ji Hui who still seemed depressed from his empty bag.

Lee Gilyoung tried to comfort him but he didn't move which caused the awkwardness of the older.

"That reminds me, do you know him well Dokja-ssi?"  Yoo sangah turned to attention to Kim Dokja who seemed stuck. "You seem to know certain things about him. Have you met prior to this?"


Kim Dokja didn't know how explain this. He only knew small details because of the novel when they introduced his character.

But he couldn't explain it.

"It's–" He was 'unfortunately' interrupted by the loud screams of people panicking at the Dokkebi that had appeared again.

Other times he cursed when they appeared but now he actually wanted to hug it.

Ji Hui was snapped out of his depressed state when he heard the screams of the people around him. It was a dokkebi that had appeared. It was different from the one he had seen before but similar in a way.

'another goat.'

[ H-How are you all doing? Haven't you been free for a while? ]

The people panicked and fear filled their expressions. it was never a good thing when the dokkebis appeared. Even Jung Heewon who had been relaxed tensed up.

"They can studder?" Ji Hui mumbled out in disbelief.

[ M-My friend who was originally in-charge of this channel is undergoing disciplinary action...S-So, I am responsible for their scenario. ]

[ T-Then everyone. D-Don't you look very peaceful? T-That bihyung , he pretended to be pretentious only to set this level of difficulty..]

He was cursing another dokkebi.

"W-What are you saying? Tell us what you want!"

[ H-Hik! Don't be angry, everyone. I-I c-came  for you guys..]

"For us?"

"T-Then give us food!"

[ F-Food? Ahah.. if you want food...]

The dokkebi moved his left hand an something happened.

[ A scenario Penalty has been added. ]

[ From now on, Food stockpiling has been limited. ]

[ All existing stockpiled food has dissappeared. ]

Ji Hui read these windows and had to toss his plan away to sneak a bag-full from the mainstream groups food pile.

He couldn't take what was there anymore.

"U-Uhh, what?!"

The people panicked as the emergency food all floated in the air. Whether from the mainstream group or the marginalized group, anything that could be considered 'food' was floating in the air.

[ hehe. Then everyone. You can't. Y-You have to think about how to break the scenario! ]

The bread, chocolate bars, calorie bars and any other emergency food that had been hidden by people had been taken away and destroyed by a flick of the dokkebis fingers.

[ You want to eat? I-In any case earth trash.. ]

[ Everyone, let's have fun from now on..Hehe..]

[ A scenario Penalty has been added. ]

[ The 'survival cost' clause has been added. ]

[  From now on, 100 coins will be deducted every night for the 'survival cost'. If you can't pay the 'survival cost', you will die. ]

[ The 'survival cost' Penalty be maintained until the second main scenario is cleard. ]

Ji Hui glanced at the blue windows and quietly looked at his coins balance.

He had enough to survive at least a few months, maybe even years so he wasn't worried.

[ T-Then I will let everyone take care of it! ]

But the rest of the people most of who bought food from Cheon Inho were in an even bigger panic.

"Dokja-ssi, what will we do now?"

"Of course, we have to go and get food." Fhe faces of the party members turned tense because this could only mean one thing.

"Then we have to be scouts? There is still food above ground."

"Nope we won't go aboveground. If we go up we will die unconditionally."

"But we need to obtain food."

"Lee Hyunsung-ssi. The world has changed. The food needs to change."

"Wait a minute Dokja-ssi....Don't tell me?.."

"Thats right."

"We will hunt monsters."

The group went silent.

Another short chapter apologies 🙂

Ji Hui's total coins : 37,020

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