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— Gross

    Ji Hui peeked from behind a large tree. Beside him Kim Dokja and gilyoung also peak from the side looking at the 'treasure trove' in front. The sub-scenario had just been altered.

[ The contents of the sub scenario have been updated. ]

[ You have entered the 'ground rat's treasure trove.' ]

"Hyung this!" Gilyoung spoke up but Kim Dokja covered his mouth and silenced him.

"Shhh, wait. The treasure trove doesn't just contain treasures."

After he had said that the sound of the ground rats growling and moving around began being heard. Ji Hui was the first to move his head a bit further up but a familiar annoying voice spoke.

"This is all your fault, Yoo Sangah-ssi!"

It was the coward man, Han Myungoh.

"My fault? what do you mean by that?" Yoo sangah said to Han Myungoh who was tied by tree branches like she was.

"I-If you hadn't chosen to take the subway, we wouldn't be in this siuation!"

"What does me taking the subway have to do with this?"

"T-That..That, Yoo Sangah-ssi, you usually ride a bicycle all the time.." Han Myungoh voice shook as he ranted random words.

Yoo sangah's tone turned cold. "Wait a minute. Were you the one that stole my bike?"

Ji hui couldn't belive Han Myungoh. I mean he knew that he wasn't the best person. In fact he was the type of person that Ji Hui hated.

But now he was a pervert too.

He should stay away from him from now on.

"S-So what?! Didn't I tell you that I'd drive you home in my car! You should know how to accept favors!"

"Answer me. Did you steal my bike?"

Han Myungoh face had long turned bright red from sheer embarrassment and Ji Hui look of disgust grew the more he spoke.

"Yes, I did it. So what!"

"Why are you talking as if it isn't a big deal? You took someone else's things! It's theft!"

"Theft? Don't talk nonsense! You shoulve just took my car since the beginning!"

Ji hui couldn't listen to this any longer.

[ The constellation 'Sea tyrant' is disgusted with the incarnation 'Han Myungoh.' ]

[ The constellation 'Emperor of the abyss' advises his precious incarnation to stay away from that pervert. ]

[ The constellation 'Secrerive Plotter' suggest you listen to your stupid contract constellation. ]

[ The constellation 'Emperor of the abyss'  argues that he isn't stupid! ]

There they go again.

"Uwaa! Acckk!" Ji Hui was snapped from his thoughts at Han Myungohs screech.

Kim Dokja had thrown his dagger at him landing it right beside his face. Yoo sangah's face brightened while Han Myungohs went pale but dokja didn't have time to pay attention to them.

The ground rats that had been attracted all scattered at an even bigger threat that was appearing.

[ The 'dark sentinel' has appeared. ]

it looked disgusting.

[ The sub scenario has been updated! ]

[ Sub-scenario 'kill the sentinel' has begun! ]

Gilyoung couldn't take it and vomited as all the insects in the vicinity vanished causing him to be affected due to the mental link between them.

Ji Hui hated vomit but patted Gikyoungs back awkwardly.

"Gilyoung-Ah, how many more times can you use 'diverse communication'." Kim dokja asked toward the retching Gilyoung.

"....I think I can still do it a couple more times."

"Alright rest here for awhile." Then he looked at Ji Huj who stood there in disgust but still wanted to comfort Gilyoung as he got along well him. "Hui-ah, use your skill if I'm in trouble."

Ji Hui nodded but said. "Don't forget the deal."

Kim Dokja nodded but sighed internally. At first Ji Hui was against going down at all cost so he had no choice but to make an deal with him.

He used food to bargain and it worked.

Kim dokja freed Yoo sangah and Han Myungoh with his dagger that had been planted beside them.

[ The dark sentinel has revcived favor of the demon king it follows. ]

"Kamyun. Der. Yitur."

[ The dark sentinel has emmited fear. ]

The dark sentinel saw that the skill would not work on Kim Dokja and angrily shouted. "Kallitu!"

"M-Mother?" Yoo sangah translated it.


"Uhh, I think...K-Karud, yemiren? Ah, is this it? Aketu?"

The dark sentinel nodded at the end and called out. "Kallitu!"

"what is it saying?"

"That...it's saying 'become mother'."

The dark sentinel cried out again pointing at Yoo sangah. "Kallitu!"

Yoo sangah's face dropped. "Uh, mother? I'm not married yet!"

"Kallitu!" This time it pointed at Han Myungoh and turned paler than he was before.

"W-Why am I the mother? Father!"

Ji Hui watched this all happened and wished he stayed upstairs with the rest of them. He had left pancake there just in case but no he regrets coming  here.

The dark sentinel sent one of his tentacles inside Ham Myungohs mouth and Ji Hui covered his mouth in disgust.

He had just witnessed the most disgusting thing in the world.

"Yoo Sangah-ssi, you don't plan to have a child, right?"

"Of course!"

Kim dokja swung on the ground and tore the tentacles inside Han Myungohs mouth. The sentinel roared angrily.


The tentacles of the dark species momster was breaking g the ground as more kept flying toward Kim Dokja. It destroyed his wepon the more he struck it.

Before Kim Dokja noticed Han Myungoh moved dar away.

The rat spear in dokjas hand was almost destroyed and his hands were screaming pain. But he had an trump card.

"Ji Hui now!"

Ji Hui nodded and raised his hands as black flames sprayed from them.

[ The Skill – Hellfire flames had been used. ]

The tentacles burned upon a small amount of contact with the flames but they didn't burn the whole creature up as Dokja wanted him not to.

Kim Dokja dealt a fatal blow but not enought to kill it for some form of odd reason. He used a broken sword that appeared in his had after the spear thing broke.

The dark sentinel was collapsed on the floor bleeding profoundly.

Ji Hui poked it and secretly thanked it in his heart for the extra snacks Kim dokja would have to give him as a fee for helping.

Ji Hui refused to come down unless dokja got him food from convince stores. ( not dead cooked monsters.)

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