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- He's all Alone

Ji Hui didn't understand what was going through his mother's mind but he could feel her rushing some where. She was searching for something.

A wepon that could kill her immediately.

[ 00:25 ]

The counter continued to go down as if mocking her.

People were still in a frenzy no one could think enough to question what she was doing. By the time she had found a wepon the clock had struck 10 second remaining.

People finally started to wake up but it was too late.

In the ocoupisious corner she placed Ji Hui down and placed the sharp knife in his hand. Ji Hui watched as his mother used her hands to guide the knife in his hands to her chest.


"I'm sorry. You have to survive." She smiled as tears fell dowm her face. She plunged the knife into her chest straight into her heart using Ji Hui's hands.

[ 00:01]

[ You have killed a living being. ]

[ You have earned 100 coins as additional compensation. ]

[ 00:00 ]

[ The given time has run out. ]

Ji Hui could heard the cries of the people that knew their death was coming followed by the loud noise of their heads busting but he couldn't move he was frozen.

"mom?" He said as he looked at his mother's bloodied corpse along with his blood stained hands.

"mom wake up. This isn't fun." Ji Hui tried calling for his mother but she would never answer again. "This isn't fun anymore. Please wake up."

It seemed to finally settle into Ji Hui's brain that he had killed his mother and that she would never wake up again.

Ji Hui felt a sharp pain in his heart.

He could feel the air escaping his body as he clenched his chest. His heart condition had been stable but that never meant it went away.

He couldn't see the additional blue window that started appearing after he collapsed clutching his chest.

[ A number of constellations feel pity toward the incarnation 'Ji Hui.' ]

[ Constellation 'Empress mother' is pleased with incarnation 'Ji Hui's' mother's sacrifice. ]

[ The constellation 'Empress Mother' has sponsored 1,000 coins ]

[ A number of constellations worry about incarnation 'Ji Hui's' condition. ]

[ 300 coins have been sponsored. ]

[ The 'healing' skill has been acquired due to special status. ]

[ 200 coins have been acquired. ]

[ You have a total of 1,600 coins. ]

Ji Hui could feel the breath slowly fill his body again as if a warm wave entered his body. He tried to soothe his breathing.

He knew that no matter how sad he was he had to survive.

He had to keep his promise.

But that was easier said than done.

Even though his breathing relax and the sharp pain in his head dissipated he laid on the ground hoping to organize his emotions.

He ignored the windows that continued to show up.

Chronos sacrifice // Ominiscent Readers ViewpointWhere stories live. Discover now