Merchant Raid and Revival

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4th of June, 1941

St. Nazaire



The fleet of Vichya and Ironblood ships arrives at the port of St. Nazaire late in the afternoon, escorting the 37,000-ton LashCarrier Merchant. Fortunately, the RAF air raid failed miserably, failing to hit any targets, let alone cause significant damage. Only a few loose bolts and welds were discovered after the raid, mostly from near misses on all ships.

In the middle of the fleet is the LashCarrier, still showing the clear 60 degree pitch to starboard. That not a single bomber managed to hit the Merchant is pure luck, as the heavy damage prevented any rapid movement, forcing the Ironblood fleet anchored around it to prioritize their own safety, while also preventing any bomber in a direct and clear path of destruction from dropping their bombs with precision.

The bad luck for the British didn't stop there as the Bf-110s and Me-109s quickly overtook the escorting Spitfires and picked off the bombers one by one. Sooner or later only a few bombers, and without any surviving escorting Spitfires, managed to survive the onslaught as the German fighters had to return for refueling and had no ammunition left.

Jean Bart: "Friedrich, welcome to St. Nazaire, the only shipyard on the entire Atlantic front with enough capacity to accommodate the Bismarck class and my sister's class. Do you hope to have enough room for the ship?"

FdG: "That should be enough, since the merchant ship only weighs 37,000 long tons."

Jean Bart: "Only 37,000 tons? That should be easy. Fortunately, the port is well out of range of any RAF airbase, so we shouldn't have to worry about any surprise attacks. And if they do have range on their damn bombers, then they can't bring the heavy bombs in, as that would shorten the range considerably. But after what happened a few days ago, we shouldn't worry."

Eugen: "Oh~ Are you so confident? Surely you have already deduced what Mother wanted, right? Or did you think a simple dock was all she wanted?"

Cascogne: "Jean Bart had already ordered for one times Manifestation chamber be brought to St. Nazaire military section. A warehouse has been refitted for the special purpose."

Eugen: "Tsk. Expected for someone that wants the power of the sun for their own ego."

Jean Bart: "Oh YOU-!"

Algérie: "Eh, guys, we have arrived."

All eyes were now set to St. Nazaire, where the Merchant will be stationed and repaired for a while. In the meantime the RAF had now informed Command that the bombing had failed. Obviously QE was furious for such slobby job but couldn't exactly go there and deal with this problem or else she might face and may be captured. Now that the Crimson Axis has access they must hope that the Maids and the Pro-British French Rebels are able to ascertain some of the information about it.

FdG: "Well, Jean Bart, I will you the job to watch over revival. Surely the Chancellor wants me back at Wilhelmshaven."

Jean Bart: "How do you want to leave? Surely the Denmark Strait is the only suitable place to enter the North Sea. Heard from fishers that the Royal Navy has now air patrol up and running."

FdG: "Hm, leave that to me and Eugen. I leave the Z's here so that they provide a better security. The Torpedo Boats won't held up against any raiding party offshore."

Jean Bart: "Alright, if you say so. Make a stop in Brest for refueling before heading out. I will give them a heads up that you will arrive."

FdG: "Thank you, my child. Do send me a telegraph, when the little child is ready for the revival. I wanna be there when she is ready to be back in life."

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