A simple cargo transport... right?

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Yes, I am running out of titles.

Also I have decided to forgo any pictures as many of them... are borderline risque. And they are time consuming to safe them in a folder on the PC and than finding them.


5th of February, 1941

Starting Harbor: Hamburg

Final Destination: Scapa Flow

Cargo: [Classified], Wares


With the war between the Crimson Axis and Azur Lane ending in a truce and peace treaty, the Crimson Axis has officially rejoined its former allies. This also means that joint exercises and operations will continue to be overseen by Azur Lane members to prevent any Rouge elements from sabotaging the new peace.

However, it has been decided that some of the Ironblood girls will be relocated to Scapa Flow for an operation against a Siren fortress. Apparently, the Sirens have built a fortress on the eastern tip of Iceland, which has frightened the local population and caused an uproar. While the fishermen have not yet been attacked or harassed, the Danish government, which owns the island, has requested immediate intervention, which the Crimson Axis and Azure Lane have gladly agreed to.

This was a mission that would rebuild some trust on both sides, while pushing the Sirens further away from a critical supply route and major population centers. A win-win situation, minus the Siren, of course.

For this, the large amount of equipment for maintenance and accommodation must be brought to Scapa Flow, as Ironblood does not accept the attics of the Royals so easily, and the Royals do not provide such lifeless things for someone so close and yet so far away.

Here comes München's job. With a designated escort, she will accompany the assigned fleet and bring all the necessary stuff on her cargo ship to Scapa Flow, unload it, and then return to safe harbor. That is, if the Royal Navy doesn't requisition her, as she is officially a leased civilian ship, to avoid any military ridicule in the Ironblood ranks.

Ironblood Reinforcement Fleet

Battleship: Tirpitz, Ulrich von Hutten

Battlecruiser: Brunhilde, Prinz Rupprecht, Odin

Aircraft Carrier: Graf Zeppelin, August von Parseval

Heavy Cruiser: Hindenburg, Ägir, Prinz Heinrich, Prinz Adalbert, Friedrich Carl*

Light Cruiser: Magdeburg, Mainz, Regensburg, Leipzig*, Nürnberg*

Destroyer: Otto von Alvensleben (Destroyer Leader) Z16, Z20, Z21, Z24, Z25, Z26*, Z28*, Z35*, Z36*

Supply Flottilla: MS München (LashCarrier Cargo vessel) [High Speed/Capacity vessel]

*attached at the Supply Flottilla

[Addendum: Escorts for the MS München will deattach from Fleet once they arrive and unload cargo. They will escort the Cargo ship back to an Ironblood port and rejoin with the Ironblood defense formation back in home waters.]


Now that all cargo lighters are filled to the maximum with all kinds of equipment, the journey to the most defended place of the Royal Navy (although U47 disagreed with it) shall begin. After Friedrich Carl stopped hugging Munich and finally let her breathe with blockade.

Azur Lane: The Adventure of the MS MünchenWhere stories live. Discover now