An unlikely Escort

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Off the shores of Madagascar

4th of December, 1941

Asienunterstützungsflotille [Asia Support Fleet]


A fleet of two heavy cruisers, one light cruiser, five destroyers, and one merchant ship was traveling at a speed of 24 knots toward Asia, the Sakura Empire to be exact. They reached their first stop to gather the remaining supplies they would need, but also received two more ships as escorts. Both cruisers were sent ahead during a blockade breakthrough. They are built similar to the K-class, but have all their guns in the middle. Both also have only one funnel, which saves more weight, and a smaller citadel, which only covers the engines.

Köln: "I didn't expect you two to be here. We thought you would stay in our sphere of Aircraft range after what happened."

Leipzig: "Well, when we got the new orders back on duty, we didn't know what to expect. I really thought the Royal Navy would catch us before we even left the strait."

Nürnberg: "As it turned out, the Royal Navy was apparently so focused on the LashCarrier that they let some armed merchant ships and the two of us easily pass. Unbelievable, I know."

Eugen: "Well, it is good to have you here. Let me guess, you also brought the new orders from HQ?" Eugen, the flagship of the fleet, wanted to know if the rendezvous point had changed and if they should expect unwelcome company.

Nürnberg: "Our new orders are too 'To shoot only when fired upon. Sakuran Forces will meet us in the designated coordinates.' From there they want you, Eugen, to meet up with the Sakuran Fleet, designated as 'Kido Butai'. Apparently they want to attack the Azur Lane base in Oahu on the 7th of December. They aim to strike and sunk as many shipgirls and ships anchored there, including any Aircraft Carrier in the area."

Eugen: "Oh, meeting the flagship of both the Sakura Empire and the 'Kido Butai'? What a honor to be bestoyed such daunting task~"

Hipper: *sigh* "And what shall the rest do?"

Leipzig: "The remaining fleet is to meet with a greeting committee fleet off the coast of the former Philippines, near Luzon. The flagship is the Mikasa, according to the report."

Hipper: "Oh, great, the old lady will be more of a hindrance than a help. In fact, I am surprised that we have reached Madagascar so quickly. I expected that damned Merchant to be slow."

Z1: "The fact that it can go 24 knots is a very serious leap in marine engine technology if it can hold that all the time. Normally the convoys I had seen in the north only went 15kn, and that was when the weather allowed it."

Köln: "Speaking of speed and performance, I see that both of you have gotten some upgrades and that you, Leipzig, especially, have gotten a retrofit like me."

Leipzig, who was not very fond in small talk and already had to stay calm, didn't liked that now all eyes, especially from Eugen, were now directed to her. "Well, my ship had space in terms of displacement, so I have now the same armor setting like my sister. But I didn't a rotary aircraft like you, Köln."

Köln: "I expect so. That would mean I have to still carry the recon mission on my own."

Nürnberg: "Not exactly. While you got that helicopter, we both got an upgraded Arado plane. It has a longer range, a better version of the 20mm, and is more fuel and space efficient. So we were able to get another Arado on board our ships, allowing us to cover a larger area for reconnaissance."

München: "Ehh, excuse me?"

Hipper: "Hah? What is it? Don't you see that we are talking here, München?"

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