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"so here's your room" cameron said opening the door at the end of the hallway.

it was very nice and simple.

"thanks" I said walking in there and putting my stuff down. he followed me in and sat on the bed.

"so" he said. "soo " I mimicked.
"what do you want to do today" he asked me.
"i don't really care." I answered.

"well uh I could call my roommate Nash and see if he'll bring some pizza for dinner." He said.

"okay sure." I told him.

we walked out of my room and he continued showing me the rest of the house. it was really big.

"did someone order pizza?" a guy yelled coming in and scaring me. it caused me to jump and fall into cameron.

"oh uh sorry. i did mean to scare you." He said trying not to laugh.

"it's okay." I laughed.

"oh sorry" I said getting of of Cameron.

he chuckled,"don't worry about it. let's go eat some pizza"

the guy put the pizza on the table and we all started eating it.

"oh I'm nash by the way." the the guy said.

"your eyes are so blue!" I said making them laugh.

"oh I'm kylie" I smiled.

when we finished eating our pizza we started watching a movie on the couch.

"i'm going to go unpack my stuff" I said walking into my room.

I'm assuming it was late now. I had just finished unpacking everything and putting it away.

"hey" Cameron said walking into the room.

"hi" I said giving him a small smile.

"you do realize it's midnight. Right?" He asked.

"yea I figured. I'm going to go to bed soon." I said getting up off the floor.

"oh well um goodnight" He said walking back out the door.

"wait Cameron, can I ask you something?"

"you just did" He laughed.

"well yea but, how come I'm staying with you instead of your mom?" I asked him.

"my mom doesn't think i am very responsible so by taking care of you this summer, i am proving to her how mature and responsible i am." he smiled proudly

"okay well you're an adult so if you aren't responsible it's not like she's going to ground you or anything." i laughed.

"um have you met gina? she will definitely ground me. i'm not trying to disappoint that woman"

"mhm okay. and just one more thing"

"what is it?" can asked.

"well i just want to why you're so uptight and awkward about everything. like chill out man. i'm just a 15 year old girl. there is nothing to stress about here" i giggled.

"wow okay thanks. i don't even know what to say to that. i'm new at this and it's weird. I don't like it. i am trying my best okay?" He sighed.

"cameron" I said

"yeah?" he asked.

"i was just joking." I said.

"yea oh of course I know that" he said getting up.

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