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it's been two weeks since i received the news about my dad. we still haven't heard from him.

everyone thinks my dad is dead since we haven't heard from him. but, i know he isn't dead. he made a promise to me that he would come back. since everyone thinks he's dead, they have all been really nice to me.

these past two weeks have been weird. i have gotten to know hayley really well. we already have this close bond. i feel like i've known her for a long time. i remember when i first met her, we just suddenly clicked.

hayley has had to adjust to a whole new lifestyle. i feel so bad for her. she doesn't know who her dad is, her mom left her, and her grandma is in jail. she has basically raised her self and now she has no one but her uncle that she barely knows.

every chance hayley gets she comes to our house. she hasn't really said much about her uncle except that he is a lawyer and he works a lot.

since we leave for tour today, hayley is going to use these next two weeks to bond with him.

i haven't hung out with asher and audrey recently. audrey gives me this weird vibe. i don't know. but asher is so hot. his light brown hair brings out his eyes so well and his jawline is so sharp don't even get me started. i would definitely like him if i knew him better. but the times i've been around him he's acted really stupid. i don't think he has common sense.

hayes said i still have two more of his friends to meet when we get back.

i am so excited to go on tour. we go to pennsylvania, new jersey, minnesota, washington, texas, and then we are back in california.

our flight leaves tonight and it was only 8 am.

cameron and nash are still packing so i went into hayes room.

he was laying in his bed in his phone. he looked really focused on something and i could tell by the way his eyebrows were furrowing together and the way his nose was crunched.

"what are you looking at?" i asked him.

"nothing it's just audrey texting me some bullshit" he said and then shut his phone off which meant he probably didn't want to talk about it.

"okay well do you know who all is going on tour?" i asked him as i plopped onto his bed next to him.

"the jacks, matt, aaron, taylor, mahogany and us" he said.

"who's mahogany?" i asked.

"she's the dj. you will really like her" hayes told me.

"oh so there will be another girl?" i asked excitedly.

"yes but you know you just wanna hang out with me the whole time" hayes joked as he hugged me.

"ew no. why would i wanna hang out with you" i joked as i tried to push him off of me which only caused him to hug me tighter.

"hayes. stop. can't. breathe" i said as i pretended to choke. he immediately let go. i started laughing and ran out of the room. i heard hayes chasing me so i turned around to see if he was behind me. i didn't stop running as i turned around and i ran straight towards the staircase and fell down all 31 steps.

i went headfirst and tried to stop myself with my hands but i ended up hitting my head then flipping onto my back and landed onto my arm and my head slammed the ground.

"kylie oh my god are you okay?" i heard hayes ask as he rushed to my side.

i moaned in pain and started crying as i felt my body start to ache in many different places.

starting with my head, my head was pounding and it made me really dizzy like i'm about to pass out.

i was tasting a familiar copper taste. blood. i licked my lips and that's where it was coming from. my lips were busted.

my arm had this weird feeling that i've never felt before. it was shooting up and down my arm. it was like i was getting stabbed repeatedly in different spots.

i looked at my knee and saw that it was skinned and there was blood coming from it.

my back felt the worst of all. it felt like i just got ran over.

"what happen- OH MY GOD KYLIE!" i heard cameron scream then run down the stairs to me. he was followed by nash.

"hayes what the fuck did you do?" nash yelled.

"come on we need to take her to the doctor before she becomes unconscious" cameron said as he lifted me up and carried me to the car.

that was the last thing i remember before everything become a big blur.

i heard a bunch of tiny whispers and machines. i opened my eyes and then all the pain came back.

"oh look she's awake" a doctor said. a doctor? what?

oh ya i fell down the steps.

"uh hi" i said with confusion.

"i'll just explain some things to you. you fell down the steps and cameron rushed you here as fast as he could but he said in the car you be alone unconscious. when you got here we immediately checked to see everything that was wrong with you. you have a small gash in your head and we stitched that up. you have a few cuts and scratches on your arms, legs and stomach. your lip is busted and you have some bruises forming on your back. and lastly, you have a small fracture in your arm. we have put a cast on that for you and you can wear a sling to relieve some pain." he told me.

"wow. i didn't think you could get that hurt just from falling down the steps." you could hear the amazement in my voice.

"you fell pretty hard and there were a lot of steps that you tumbled down." the doctor said.

"how long am i going to be here?" i asked.

"as soon as i'm done getting your medication and i run a few tests you are free to go" the doctor said and then he left.

"thanks doc" cameron said.

"cameron i am so sorry. i wasn't trying to make things even more stressful. i was just trying to have some fun and you know i'm really clumsy-" i rambled.

"kylie the important thing is that you're okay. now i'm going to let nash and hayes in." cameron said as he went over to the door and let them in.

"kylie are you okay?" nash asked.

"ya i'm fine. i could use some medicine though" i answered.

"oh my god kylie i am so sorry you don't even understand how sorry i am" hayes apologized.

"it's fine hayes." i reassured him.

the doctor came back in with medicine and then i was free to go.

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