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Cameron's POV

Today was the day that Nash was coming home. and of course, he was bringing Hayes with him.

A few days ago i talked to my mom. she told me a little bit about Kylie that I didn't know.

Actually I didn't know a lot about her.

I didn't know that she was bullied and had trouble at some of her old schools back in Arizona.

Kylie used to be called fat at one of her old schools. That's why she doesn't eat a lot. she tries to be skinnier. She's already skinny but she just doesn't see it. It's not like she anorexic or anything. It's really complicated.

My mom also told me that Kylie was super close with her dad and it's hard for her when he's gone.

Kylie also has trust issues, because one of her best friends turned on her and told everyone her secrets. now she isn't really sure who she can trust.

I decided to stop thinking about this and go wake Kylie up since we have to leave in a few hours.

I walked into her room and found her wrapped up in the blankets like a burrito. I chuckled as I in wrapped her.

"Kylie" I whispered as I unwrapped her some more.

"go away please!" she groaned.

"no. we have to get pick up Nash and Hayes in a few hours." I told her.

"Then why did you wake me up now?" she asked while sitting up.

"Because I want to take you to breakfast and we need to talk" I told her and she groaned again.

"I'm really tired Cameron. can you please let me sleep a little bit longer?" Kylie begged.

"It's like 10 o'clock. You've slept for a long time." I said getting annoyed.

"Not really." she said under her breath.

"what?" I asked

"I didn't get that much sleep last night." she said raising her voice a little louder.

"why? you were in your room all night" I told her.

"Yea well that doesn't mean I was asleep" she said.

"Okay well sorry. what time did you go to bed then?" I asked more calmly.

"like 5 this morning. I couldn't fall asleep" she said as rubbed her eyes.


"I don't know. maybe because you and your friends were up really late making lots of noise so I couldn't fall asleep and I had a lot on my mind and I just couldn't sleep." she said laying back down in the bed.

"Sorry. do you not want to go to breakfast then?" I asked.

"No I do. just give me a few minutes" she
answered and shooed me out of the room.

I sat down stairs and played on my phone while I waited for Kylie.

She came downstairs in some jean shorts and a tshirt with a flannel wrapped around her waist. Her hair was braided to the side and she had glasses on. She also had on her stacks of bracelets on each wrist.

"Ready?" I asked

She nodded and followed me out to the car.

When I backed out of the driveway I realized I had no clue where to go for breakfast.

"Hey where do you want to go to breakfast?" I asked.

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