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Today is the day I am finally going to propose to Rose. We've been together for 3 years and our relationship is one of the best thing to ever happen to a guy like me.
I come home quite earlier with excitement and anticipation. I was so over the moon about taking Rose on this date, couldn't wait to pop the question we all have been anticipating.

    On reaching home, I was met with  deafening silence, that's odd.
"Rose!" I call out, met with silence. I frown.
Is she busy?
Isn't she home?
Is something wrong?
The feeling in my gut couldn't help me calm my nerves. Glancing around, everything makes it look like Rose's home.

"I'm home!" I yell out waiting for the rustling sounds of my girl's footsteps. Anticipating her squealing and giggles. I waited for a while, nothing happened.
No footsteps.
No sounds.
No giggles.
No squeals.

"Babe! You in there?" I move to the bedroom. We decided to move in together two months ago and I couldn't be happier. I knock on the door and that's when I heard it.
A sob.
A quiet sob.
She was crying but why?

I barge into the bedroom, looking around and couldn't find her. The sound came from the bathroom.
Is she hurt?
I know she's a sucker for tears. Tears up at the slightest inconvenience.
Did she fall?
She's quite clumsy but I love her clumsiness. It's the more reason I met her, call it cheesy but that's our story.

I yank the bathroom's door opened to reveal Rose on the floor with a tear stricken face glancing down at a stick. She was too busy crying to notice my presence. Averts my gaze from my crying girl to the stick in her hands.

My eyes caught something. Not just a stick but five sticks and there's no mistaking what that stick was. I stumble back.
I couldn't believe this.
How come?
What did I do to deserve this?
She looks up and gasps aloud like she wasn't expecting me to be home this early. I saw fear and guilt in her beautiful eyes.

Those very eyes I fell in love with.
She looked down like she was ashamed. Of course she should be.
Just then, I diverted my attention to the stick in her hands and on the floor, two lines.
You have got to be kidding me!

"Asher.." Asher huh? No Ash or babe or love, just Asher. I love the way my name rolls out of that mouth of hers. I love when she says my name, it gives me butterflies.
I guess loved will be the word.
I glared down at her with anger and disappointment and she flinched.
I hate that I am tearing up at this point but when you fall so hard for a girl and dreamt of a future with her just to realise the hard truth.

There's no future with her or there never was...was there?

Trust me, some would have strangled her or yelled but I was speechless and broken. Who wouldn't breakdown?

"Asher, please. Baby, I can explain. Please don't cry," I just stare at her.
I shouldn't cry?
You can explain? Where you ever gonna tell me you cheated on me?
Why did you led me on?
What happened to no sex until after marriage?
What happened to you saying you were a virgin?
Oh, not so virgin I see.
I guess I have been blinded by love all along.

"Why?" I breathe out. I couldn't think. Couldn't spit out a complete sentence, I was just left with....why?
"It's not what it looks like, please. Asher..I-I...Oh God please give me the strength," she prayed. She just said that.
God should strengthen her to tell me she cheated and she's having another man's baby? Ridiculous!

"I just want you to be truthful, are you pregnant?" I couldn't help but ask. I just want to confirm this. Something in me wants her to tell me this is a false kit. That it's a ridiculous prank. That it's not true. Something wants her to say no. I looked up at her, I just stared at her beautiful face, she still looks beautiful whilst her tears.
She looked up to meet me dead in the eyes.

"Baby, I am. I'm sorry, I didn't cheat on you I promise. It's just...I--I am..I..." She shed new found tears. I laughed, I couldn't help it. I laughed. I am so hurt.

"Don't! You didn't cheat huh? But you are pregnant. How ridiculous! I'm so stupid yunno. My friends warned me about you but I guess I was wrong about you. I loved you. I loved you so much. I---I wish you all the best with your baby daddy." I spun on my heels and left. I walked so fast. I don't want her running after me.

"Asher! Baby, please! Asher!!!"
I made up my mind. I am leaving and I'm never coming back.

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