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One month later....

"I can't believe you are getting married in a few days!" Naomi fanned her face pacing forth and back in my room.
"Finally!" Magdalene cheered with a triumphant look on her face.
"A few days or in two weeks?" I smiled, shaking my head, picked up an apple, taking a huge bite out of it. I fall hard on my bed.

"Crazy how it all happened. I'm so happy for you, Rose. God really did wonders in your life. Speaking of that, I'm still a little bit confused on what happened that night, care to tell?" Magdalene popped down beside me on the bed. She picked an apple from the fruit bowl, taking a bit. Naomi leaned on the reading table opposite my bed.

"Better from the horse's mouth?"
"Yes, you get the saying," Magdalene giggled.
"I dread that moment when I had to face my daughter's biological father. He just kept on picking on the thought of Asher being Elle's father. Kept bringing up buried past swept under the carpets to the surface. The moment I snapped, I think realisation dawn on him that Elle was the result of that night. So that's it, Anthony is the father of my baby, the same man who took away my dignity and pride as a woman." I let out a chuckle with a little shrug of my shoulders, biting into my apple.

"Yet he fed Asher's head with lies, that's crude." Magdalene shook her head. I told her everything that conspired between I and Asher's friends in the past. I recall Jasper being truly apologetic that night.
When we came back to the party... already shattered party, Anthony was nowhere to be found.

Naomi said he stared at Michelle for as long as she knew before he spun on his heels and walked out. I haven't heard from him since then, not like I want to.
I have forgiven him.
Asher wanted to press charges put I told him to drop it. We didn't even have enough evidence, there was no use doing that. I just prayed to God to arrest Anthony and pull him closer to His presence.

If Anthony wants to spend time with Elle, who am I to stop it? According to Asher, they'll be on strict supervision.
What a protective father!

"I have forgiven him and that's all that matters."
"Wow! Elle has a white dad and a mixed one. That's one lucky girl!" We all burst into laughter at Naomi's observable remark.
"Hurry up! We have wedding shopping!" Once Naomi let out those words in excitement, Magdalene whistled.
I love these girls.


"I'm so hungry I can eat a horse!" I slumped on the couch. Did I tell you all we went to Nigeria for my traditional wedding?
Two days after we went wedding shopping, we all travelled to Nigeria. We had an indoor traditional wedding where we did everything according to the culture and tradition of Akwaibom state.

Traditionally, I'm married to Asher. I already have my wedding band on.
It still feels like a dream, sometimes I'm scared that I might wake up to realise everything happened just in my illusion.

We came back with my grandma. How can I allow her miss my wedding?
I can't.
That is one woman who believed in me and prayed for me everyday on calls.
I love my grams.

"I already miss Nigeria," she grumbled with a shake of her head.
"You'll love it here," Maria snuggles closer to her great grandma.
"You think," she scoffed.
"You'll love it here grandma, trust me." I assured her. She rolled her eyes, hogging Maria close to her.
"I'm jealous." Naomi stated watching the pair snuggling close to each other.

"You had your own moments, let the girl enjoy." Dad muttered walking to drop grandma's luggage in Elle's room. I had some of our stuffs shifted into Asher's home. He suggested we start slowly putting our stuffs over at his place before the wedding, so we wouldn't have to go all out after the wedding.

That sounded like a perfect idea. We thought about giving up some stuffs, however, grams just relocated to New Jersey, we thought she would find them in handy.


"You look beautiful, mummy." I blinked back tears staring at my reflection in the mirror. I can't believe the day I've been anticipating for, has finally arrived. I'm getting married to the love of my life today and it's been God all through.
"Thank you, cupcake. You look gorgeous yourself." I bend slightly with my Lacey gloved hands on my knee.

"Rose, we have someone here to meet you." I frown at Magdalene's words.
"Promise me, you won't ruin your makeup." She pleaded with her lips pressed into a thin line. Well, that person doesn't sound like someone I'll be excited to meet but who knows.
"Come on in then," Magdalene signalled everyone to leave alongside with Elle, who stared curiously at her father.

"Anthony..." My voice trailed off at his sight. I don't remember sending out an invitation to him, should be Naomi. She persuaded me to have a chit chat with him.
Which, of course, I politely refused.

"Rose, you look gorgeous and so does Michelle. I know you don't want to see me right now, but I really want to talk to you. I want to make things right before you walk down the aisle." He bowed his head, avoiding meeting my intense gaze.

To say I'm speechless is an understatement. I'm short of words, this is the last person I expected to see at that announcement.
"You shouldn't be here." I say as a matter of fact.

"I know but guilts been eating me up since that day. I reflected on my past and I realised I have been nothing but jealous of Asher. Jealous of the relationship you two shared. What I did that night and days after is unforgivable. But I plead with you, please forgive me. I was blinded by rage and jealousy. I took Naomi's advice and went to God. I have made peace with myself but yet I know your forgiveness is the top tier I require. If you don't want me anywhere close to Michelle, I understand. I didn't give the best of impressions but I want your permission to send gifts to her. What am I saying? I just want you to forgive me and give me a chance to get to know my daughter. I'm sorry, I'm asking too much...I just..."

I cut him off with a hug. I'm so glad he went back to God, that was my prayer.
"Who am I to stop a father-daughter bond from growing? I have forgiven you, Anthony. Thank you for Michelle, she's been a bundle of joy to me. That girl is curious to know you, I know you both would bond exceedingly well. Just remain on the right path and God will bring that good woman across your path."

I smiled at him, stepping away from him. His eyes glistening with unshed tears, he fumbled with his suit jacket.
Seeing Anthony this way, is not what I could ever picture in a million ways.

"Thank you so much, Asher is lucky to have you." He wiped his eyes with the handkerchief he took from his back pocket, flashing a smile at me.
For someone that I haven't been opportuned to see him smile close to me, he sure does have a boyish grin. I pray God will remodel his life according to His wishes in glory.

I can't believe we have come this far in this book. Thank you to all those who stuck and gave me a reason to update more.
Ana, most especially you, I can't thank you enough.
I just want you to know that I dedicate this chapter to you.

Thanks for all your votes and kind words, I really appreciate them.

Guys, Starlight has just one more chapter and an epilogue and it will draw the curtain close.
Thank you for 800 reads.

I pray that God will continue to help you all remain in His path and to resist any form of temptation from the devil, so we will all reunite with him on that day.

Thank you all❤️❤️
God bless you 🤍✨

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