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"Praise the Lord, somebody." The minister waved his hands around.
Today, I willingly followed Elle and Rose to church. After my talk with Dean and their prayers, I thought over everything. I came down with a firm decision and that was to crawl to God.

My God.

"Isaiah 40 verses 28 to 30, talks about how our God never gets tired of listening and hearing from us. He understands everything you are going through. He gives power and strength to those who are weak." The minister stepped down from the alter to the wide space just before the congregation's seats. People paid raft attention to him. I think they enjoy listening to him preach. This is my first time of paying heed to his teaching without fighting an inner battle.

"As our topic says, there's always a way out. Even when you feel you have met dead ends, God will make a way for you. Even when you are bound to that sin, darkness, guilt and shame, God will bring light to you. That light is Jesus and that's your way out. Jesus is the way, the truth and the light. He is what you need to cross over that bridge. The troubled bridge, that bridge that's seems never ending with tribulations, problems and temptation."

I found myself engrossed deeply into what he was saying. Have you ever felt like a preaching or ministering by the man of God was directed to you?
Well, that's how this feels.
I'm drawn to it not because I made a promise but because I wanted to come back to God.

I want to fall in love with my God all over. He loves me and I know and I've had the privilege to be reminded about that.
He saved me, even when I backslided.
Even when I blamed Him for everything.
Most especially Emily's death.
He still showed me that His love is everlasting and beautiful.
No man can ever love like God loves us all.
And that's reality!

"If we all were to choose where we'll belong to, the family we would have loved to be in, some of us rather majority of us won't have chosen our present family. We would gone somewhere, the burdens will be too small to bear. It could have been where we all could find happiness and joy. That family you are in, that bondage you are in, God knows and trust me, He sees everything. Nothing's kept hidden from His eyes. And everything that happens to you is all for a purpose."

He gesticulated to the congregation, bending slightly as he ministered. He walked into the space between the columns of the congregation. Just few metres in.

"What happened has happened and I understand how much we all wish to change it. Dwelling in the past will kill you slowly. It's time to let go and move into the future. Allow yourself to heal gradually from the pain through Christ and embrace the future with a lighter heart. Some of us seated here were once strong and fervent Christians but because of that stone thrown in our way. That tumbling block, we fall back from the right path and let the devil win. But I want you to know that God is calling you back to Him. I pray you will answer that call, Amen." The whole church was quiet. Everyone listening with their undivided attention.
Is this what I've been missing?

"Can someone turn with me to Acts 2 verses 38 to 41." He turned back walking to the altar. The projector lit up with the Bible passage and we read it aloud together. The minister who happens to be Pastor Simon, stepped aside from the pulpit. His left hand still hang over the edge of the pulpit.

He opened his mouth and began speaking, "That passage talks about Peter's response to the people. When they asked what they should do after he ministered to them and he simply said, repent."

The more he let on, the more I feel guilty for turning my back on God. If I were to choose my family or wipe out the sorrow, Emily would have still been alive.

"Sometimes we let guilt drift us away from His redeeming truth and that's God loves each and every one of you, the saints, the sinners, the children, the world no matter what offence or sin we all committed. He's ever ready to receive us with open arms when we turn back to Him. It's not too late to reciprocate that love. It's not too late to crawl back to Him. It's never too late."

It's never too late...

Pastor Simon stepped down to the open space once more.
"The way out of that tribulation, that darkness, that sin, that guilt, is through Jesus. You must repent. Today, God has promised to make a way for you. You are here and you want to be saved, why don't you stand and repeat after me?"

I wasn't seated with Rose nor Michelle but alone at the front seat. I stood up with a heavy heart and a determined mind. I didn't turn to look at Rose. I don't want to know the way she'll look at me at this moment. All my focus was on God.

"Father, I come before you. I come to realise that I am a sinner, Lord, please forgive me of all my sins. You said in your word in Isaiah 59 verses 1 and 2, that it's not that your hand is too short that it can't reach us neither your ear, heavy that You cannot hear us but because our iniquities have separated us from You and hid Your face from us that you cannot hear. We plead oh Lord that you cleanse us from our iniquities and turn us, a new leaf. I submit myself before You and accept You as my Lord and personal saviour. Thank you, Lord for answering us, In Jesus name, Amen." I repeated each and every word that fell off the lips of the pastor.

"Bow your heads, let me pray for you."
And he prayed for us. I felt relieved. The guilt I carried around fell off my shoulders. The burdens were lifted off. I felt light and strong.


After service, we went back home. I went back as a new creature.

It's time to let go off the past
I need to hear her out, sonner.

I love you, Rose.
Always and forever.

I'm sorry for not updating for days. I was busy. And I apologize.

May God capture all those roaming, Amen.
If you wanna run back to God, you could repeat the prayer by the said pastor in the book and go to the Lord in prayer.
It's never too late to crawl back to Him.
Even as a Christian and you have backslided, don't give up on God. I know when you go down to GOD in prayer, He's ever ready to listen and hear you out.
He'll forgive you for all your sins and make you whole and new again.

Crawl back to God and never look back. The world's coming to an end soon.

God bless you. 🤍
I love you all>>

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