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Roselyn ___

"Michelle, get back in here!" I yelled over my shoulders. We came visiting my parents since they're back from their trip. Elle ran outside to play with some kids, I don't know.
This happens a lot.
Some say, it's the lack of a sibling.
Some say, she's just energetic.
I know better, if she had a sibling I wouldn't be this stressed.

I don't see that happening anything soon.
You need a man to make one.

Guess what, I haven't found that man.

Everyone that comes across me, either wants me to have sex with them or abandon my daughter.
That something I see never happening.
I can't and won't abandon my daughter. I rather stay single.

"Elle, I don't like repeating myself. Come back here!" She ran back into the house just infront of me. She shifted from one foot to the other, staring down at her found interest__the floor.

"I'm sorry, mummy." She was at the verge of tears. My face softened, that annoyance earlier, vanished.
"Let the girl breath, Dara. Baby, come to grandpa."

Elle looked up at me for permission. Not permission, she wants to make sure she's forgiven before she runs up to dad. I nodded my head twice at her and she got the message.
Sending me her charming smile, I smiled brightly back at her. She ran up to dad's embrace.

"I can't believe you, Dara. Kid needed permission," he shook his head laughing a bit. The smile on my face widened. Dad strode to the kitchen with Elle and me, trailing behind him.

"Come here, honey." My mum dropped the knife stepping forward with outstretched arms. I walked into her embrace and lean completely into her.
"You look beautiful as always, princess." She said once she disengaged the hug, still holding me in her arms.

"Thank you, mum." I blush slightly at the compliment. My mum's always throwing compliments at me. She makes sure she reminds me of my beauty.
Men has made me quite insecure about myself. When I told dad, he blunted it to mum and they both reassured me,

Roselyn Daramfon James, you are a beautiful young lady. Do not let others make you think otherwise. Remember, we all are beautifully and wonderfully made by our creator. If it means me throwing compliments at you often, I will. Just to make sure you believe me. If he thinks otherwise, his loss.

She stepped back picking up the knife, resumed what she was doing. I le
ft to the living room with dad. Elle stayed with mum in the kitchen. I was glad, I needed time with dad.
My hero.
My best friend.
My father.

"Why do I have the feeling you'll keep trailing behind me till we talk?" Dad stated as a matter of fact, of course I will.
"I would you know. I missed you, daddy."
"I missed you more, my sweet girl." Dad assured me.

"So what's up?" Everytime he tries to use the slang of the younger generation, it makes him look funny. I giggled, his smile widened. He has a habit of making me smile even with something as a word.

"Yes love, I love you too. I love you my little babies. Take care of yourself." We made our way into the living room just on cue to watch Naomi bid farewell to her family.

    "Was that Damien?" Dad asked settling down on the couch nearby. I popped down next to him.
"Yeah, the kids wanted to hear from me. How adorable!" The smile on her face was so wide that it reached her eyes. You could see the love she had for her family through her eyes.

"I missed those little munchkins." Dad beamed at the thought of Naomi's kids. Those two are trouble.
"I'll go help mum, talk to you later, dad." She disappeared into the kitchen.

"Your mum constantly thought about you both during our trip, at the verge of cutting our trip short. I couldn't blame her, you know. You both are still our babies even if you are all grown." I blinked up at him, he wasn't looking at me but staring ahead.

"You know I love you right?" I nodded.
Of course I do. You make it a habit of telling me always.
You show me how much you do too.
I love you too.
I don't know where he's heading with this but I'm suddenly interested.

"Rose," he called my first name. He rarely calls me that either Dara or my sweet girl, rarely Rose. I shifted uncomfortablely on my seat. What he's about to say, isn't gonna be sugar-coated. I might not like it.

"What's happening to you? You have been like this for long. I tried overlooking it but I can't anymore. What's wrong?" I looked away.
Why did he have to ask that?

The question is___what's happening in my life?
Overall, I'm not happy. I feel incomplete without him. My happiness is not fully due.

I loved you. I loved you so much...

Past tense. He used past tense then, I knew he wasn't gonna come back. Those words keep repeating at the back of my head taunting me for not opening up to him. If I did, he would have understood.
I knew him that much but I couldn't.
I was scared.

But he should have been patient with me, he should have turned back when I called out for him but he didn't.
I lost him.

I---I wish you all the best with your baby daddy.

There was no baby daddy. There never was.

"Is it Asher?" My eyes snapped to him. He was staring at me like he lost me.
Like I wasn't the same, like____he didn't know me.
Is it Asher?
Yes, daddy.
"Have you seen him? Is he treating you harshly? Did he say a word to you? Has he spoken to you?"

Tears welled up in my eyes. How I wish I even had the chance to catch a glimpse of him.
To know how he's doing.
Will he speak to me if he should set his eyes on me?
Does he still hate me?
Is he married?
Did he move on?
Didn't he trust me enough to know I won't cheat?

When he left the apartment, he was hurt and broken.
So broken.

I know he'll question my feelings for me then.
It still haunts me each time I date back to that day.

"Michelle's dad? Is he still threatening you? We could go to the cops." I shook my head almost immediately at his words. I can't afford him knowing I kept the baby.
He doesn't know about Michelle's existence and I'll love to keep it that way.

"Baby, what's wrong? Remember, you can tell me anything, sweet girl. You're my best friend." His voice so light and barely a whisper. I couldn't look at him, I'll crumble.

He scoots closer to me, engulfing me in that comforting hug of his.
And then I break.

I cry into his embrace.
I sob hard against his shirt, clutching onto his shirt for my dear life.

"I miss him so much," I don't have to mention the name. He understands me so well, ran his hands through my installed wig.

"I know sweet girl, I know." He constantly places a kiss on my forehead, rubbing my back to soothe my state.
"It's going to be alright. I'm here if you need a shoulder to cry on, I'm just a call away. Some minutes too." I laughed into his chest. He's just some minutes away from my home.

He kept caressing my hair and rubbing my back.
"I'll always be here for you princess, always." I hugged him back.
I know daddy, I know.

I love her relationship with her father. Most African parents aren't close to this. I tell you from experience. For those of you who have parents that are this lenient with you, cherish them always. You are loved and blessed.

Yeah, I'm Nigerian 🤍.

I appreciate your votes and comments.
God bless you 🤍

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