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I am sad. I'm disturbed. After the movie, we prayed before dispersing to our respective rooms. I'm leaning on the door frame watching Rose tug Elle into bed.

"Why did God not save Missy?" Elle suddenly asked interrupting the bed time story, Rose was currently telling her.
"I believe He let that happen for a reason."

"But did He see what the bad man did to her?" Rose caressed her cheeks planting a soft kiss on her forehead.
"Yes baby. He was watching, He also watches over us. He knows everything."

I see the way she dotes on her daughter, she's a good mum. Elle speaks highly of her.
"Goodnight, Uncle Asher. I love you mummy and you too___daddy." She yawned, closing her eyes. I didn't expect her to notice me.


Rose widened her eyes at that, sending an apologetic smile my way. She stood up, walking up to me.

"I'm sorry about that. I--I want to t-thank you for letting me stay. I'm sorry for cutting into your time with Elle. I was worried and scared. I'm sorry."
I don't mind.
Daddy...I don't mind though.
We very much know it was just a slip.
I hope not.

"It's fine. I had fun. Goodnight, Rose."
I couldn't move, I kept looking into her eyes.

"Goodnight, Asher." She whispered. I walked past her into the room, coming over to Elle. Rose sat on her side of the bed getting ready to climb in.
I bend slightly, placing a kiss on Elle's forehead and whispered, "Goodnight, baby. I love you too."

I felt Rose watching me, I let my eyes wander to hers. She looked away, flushed a little for being caught. I straightened my posture. I want to so badly kiss her goodnight. I want to peck her forehead and whisper goodnight like the old times. But I couldn't bring myself to.
So I walked out of the room.


It's dark.
Where am I?
There's only one door here.
I keep walking to the door, maybe I'll find a way out.
"Oh, Asher. You can't keep running away from me."
I spun around to the direction of I heard the voice from.

No one.

I panic. I took steps backwards. The voice doesn't sound friendly rather scary and intimidating. It screams danger.

"Do you think you'll be saved?" I heard a dark chuckle, my head snap to the direction of that voice.
My insides are turning. My heartbeat accelerated, I feel goosebumps on my skin. The hairs on my skin begin to stand.
I make a dash for the door.

My only escape out. I yank the doorknob and the door sprang open.
I run.
I run as fast as my leg can carry me. It looks like I'm running into a tunnel. It looks endless.
But I keep running.

Suddenly, a weird looking creature appeared before me, I let out a sharp scream. I run to the tunnel on my right.
"There's nobody to save you. Nobody will come to your rescue. It's just you and I."

I heard the creature's voice echo in the tunnel. I couldn't look back, I'm scared of what I might see.
Of what I might realise. I just do what I feel is right.


As I run, images of my family keep appearing on the walls of the tunnel. I saw Emily, when we were younger.
I saw Rose, my Rose.
Michelle. I reach for the image but it disappears.
It's like I'm running in my head. I keep bumping into memories.

Then I see one.
Me praying for Emily as she laid in my arms.
The tears streamed down my face.
What's going on?
Where am I?
Where am I running to?
Who's that?

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