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Roselyn ___

"He never sleeps, He never slumbers. He's never tried of hearing our prayer. When we are weak, He makes us stronger so rest in His word and cast all of your cares on Him. Never... Never! He never..." We are singing the chorus of Don Moen's song, He never sleeps. Elle was on the table swinging her hips to the song.
She has a bright smile on her face. I am grateful to God and proud of myself for not aborting her. She's such a bundle of joy.

In the next minutes, we were out of breath. We have been singing a lot of songs for a while and we are all sweaty.
"Mummy, one more. One more!" She squealed out whilst trying to catch her breath.
"No, baby. That's enough for now. Look we are all sweaty." I laughed at her pouty lips. I am not gonna give in though she's cute and irresistible.
"Shower time, sweetness." That was Naomi, my elder sister. Naomi's staying over for a few days.
We are blacks. Our parents are both Nigerians. We have lived here in New Jersey, all my life. Even though I went to NY for college.

Naomi was born in Nigeria, before our parents relocated here.
This is where I was born and brought up. Naomi's complexion is quite dark, she's beautiful. She took after mum. Her black makes her stand out in the crowd and she's unique. I love her, she's been my rock since___six years ago.

Then there's me, I like to think I blended in. My skin is kinda light brown in colour, I took after dad. I could pass off as latino.
And Michelle, once you set your eyes on my baby girl, there's no doubt she's mine. She took after me in almost everything, just few things from___ her dad.
Her father.
The memories of that night keeps haunting me.
Her father, the man that destroyed my life.

"And you too," she pointed at me. "You need a shower, look at y'all all sweaty. Hey! you pouty mouth, come here." She beckons Michelle over.
The little lady smacked her lips together in annoyance.
"Oh, young lad, you are so getting an earful from me today," she pulled Elle closer. Elle quickly apologized. Naomi and her scoldings, don't get me started on that. I laughed at the banter.
Naomi took her to her bedroom. I went back to my room for a quick shower.

"Argh..I miss mum's cooking," she groaned while munching on her dinner. We are having fried plantain and egg sauce, one of the delacies back in our country.
"Me too. I love it more when she makes our native meals." I added putting some pieces of plantain in Elle's plate.
"Don't get me started on that. I'm so hungry thinking about those mouth watery meals. Mind if I told her to send 'em over?" She asked teasingly. I rolled my eyes, like she would.

"Don't bother, mum. You know she'll get all worked up calling our phones nonstop."
"I know right. Then her vacation will be ruined and dad would grumble trailing behind her." She laughed thinking about it, I joined her.
Our parent's love is something I hope for one day. I could picture how that'll go.
Dad would ignore us for a whole day for cutting his vacation short.

"Oh I just recalled, mum said something about visiting grandma as a family." And that means going back to Nigeria. I can't recall when last I visited her. It's been six years, I guess.
My father's parents are no more, for my mum, it's just her mum. Her dad left her mum when she was 5.
"I don't know, Tee. I'll think about it," tee is her nickname for ToyoAbasi, her native name.
She dropped her cutlery, taking a quick look at me like she's reading me.

"What's there to think about? You don't want to go back to Nigeria? It's only for a few days, Dara. You could spare grandma a minute of your time right? She's been asking about Elle." She resumed eating. I twirled my fork around my plate.
I don't know why I don't want to go. But, it's for grandma. A few days won't hurt.
"Fine, I will." I sighed. If I declined, Naomi would have found a way for me to give in.

She gave me her beautiful smile showing off her perfect white teeth. Elle was so quiet, it was suspicious.
Oh yes, I see now.
She's eaten nearly half of my meal. How did I not notice that?

"Elle! Really? Momma's food? You could do better than that." I sighed eating what's left.
"You looked like you were filled so I helped you," I see how this is going. I see what you're doing, girl.

"I see you, Elle. I see you. I'm taking part of your breakfast tomorrow, then you call us even. How does that sound?"
Elle just gave me a pleading look.
"I'm sorry momma, it doesn't sound good. You can have my dinner mama, please."
"Fine. Deal," I stretched out my hands for a handshake, narrowing my gaze at her and she gladly took my hands with equal gaze.
That's momma's girl!

I heard Naomi's laughter from beside us. For a moment, I forgot she was here with us. All I saw was my five years old baby, Michelle.
"That's the spirit! Michael and his dad always doing this. Those two loves food. I literally cook for 6 when we just 4. You both are unbelievable!" She laughed again.

Did I say this earlier?
Naomi is married to Damien Dada, a Yoruba man she met here in US. They have two beautiful kids together, Maria and Michael. Maria is her first child and she's 8 while Michael's 6. I love their relationship. The way Damien looks at her is priceless.
He's one lucky man.
Her kids are off at Damien's parents. She couldn't join them because she was caught up with work. She's a family lawyer.

"Says the one who struggled for food when we were kids," I rolled my eyes putting our plates on the tray.
"Dara! That was then. We are adults now. I can't believe you." She was already clutching her stomach in laughter.

"Mummy, was Auntie Naomi a foodie?" I heard Elle ask. I couldn't help it, I burst into a fits of laughter that my eyes became glassy.
"She still is. Just seen someone who eats more than her and she's whining," I struggled to let the words out whilst laughing. Naomi playfully glared at me for exposing her. She knows Elle isn't gonna let go of this topic soon.

Naomi slowly moved her gaze to Elle who was watching her sheepishly.
That smile on her face, she was up to no good.
Suddenly she screamed out that the plates nearly fall off my hand if not for fast reflexes.
"Auntie Naomi, the foodie!!"

Someone remind me why I love her again?
She's my bundle of joy.

Does anyone love Elle like I do? She's such a bright and energetic five year old.

Finally, Rose's POV.

Who loves Rose?

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