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"Asher, when will you be visiting? I feel like it's ages since I last saw my boy." Mum's voice filled the kitchen. I was making dinner when ma called. I know what's she's insinuating.
I haven't seen her for six months prior and it's annoys me.
I wish I could fly over there. I miss my family, most especially ma.

"We facetime each other nearly everyday mum," I said to her washing some veggies.
"Doesn't mean a thing. I want to hold my boy in my arms not looking at him through some device. How sure am I that's how you look? What if your phone edits your face? What if..." I cut her rant off.
She could be dramatic when she wants to be but I love her. My mum's a black woman, Ghanian to be precised. My dad's a white man, from Georgia. So that makes me a mixed race.
"Mum, my phone doesn't edit my pictures or videos. You should quit being dramatic." I added the veggies to my meal after chopping them.

"You call me dramatic. I'm worried about you, son. I just want to see my son." I could imagine what she would have done to me if I was close by.
She would have smacked my head for calling her dramatic.
"Mum, I'll come around."
"That's what I've heard for six months. When will you do that? When I'm dead?" I tensed a bit, I don't like the thought of ma being dead.
I can't imagine it, I won't.
"Mum, don't say such. I'll come around once I'm free. I promise." I turned off the heat, wiping my hands dry with the hand towel.
There was a silence for a while that I began to wonder if I made her upset.

"Asher, please come home. I missed having you around. Don't make promises you can't fulfill." I sighed, she called me Asher then she's sad.
"I'll come home once I'm free. I'm sorry, mum."
"I love you, son,"
"I love you mum."
"Don't forget to study your Bible and pray to God. Take care, baby." She hung up.
To God?
I can't tell mum that. She'll be disappointed, I don't want to see that look on her face.
It would ruin me.

I don't remember when last I did that. I don't remember when last I went to church, not even when last I touched the Bible on my reading table.
Where was God when I needed Him the most?
He was nowhere to be found.
He watched her make a fool out of me.

"Reign---are you here?" I jerked out of my world___again. We were sitting at the dinning having lunch, Dean and his family. He has a three year old, beautiful baby girl, Deborah. I looked up, glancing around the room. Britney, his wife looked at me with pity and sadness. I don't like it.
I don't want pity.
I am fine.
Deborah looked at me with curious eyes. Her little mind wondering why Uncle Asher's distant today. I don't spare Dean a glance, I like to believe I know the look already.
Worry and anger.

Everyone around makes me feel like I am a problem. A burden.
A child who needs constant care.
I am a grown adult, 31 and capable of taking care of myself.
I don't need a babysitter__
"Asher Reign Storm!" He growled, his fist coming in contact with the table. Deborah recoiled in her seat, not expecting that outburst. Britney looks just as shocked.

"I think I need to go," I stood up grabbing my coat from over my seat. If I stay one more minute, he'll loose his cool. I have already destroyed their peaceful lunch, I can't stand him crawling up my ass.
I stepped into the living room, grabbed my keys and made my way to the door.
Coming here was a mistake. I didn't even touch my food.

"Asher," I heard Britney call out for me once I was few metres away from my car.
"Hey, come here." She said stretching her hands to me. My feet took me just infront of her.
"Can I pray for you?" I met her eyes. That pity from earlier on vanished and was replaced with___genuine love and care.
I nodded anywhere. I don't want her questioning me if I decline.
She closed her eyes and mumbled some words. I heard her but I turn her off.
"...may God grant you happiness. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen." I mumbled the 'Amen,' she pulled me into a hug.
"I don't know what's going on with you, I just want you to know that God is always there with you every step of the way ay. He loves you." Her face soften as the words fall out of her mouth. I nodded and muttered a thank you.

The drive home was troublesome. I felt restless and suffocated.

God is always there with you every step of the way.

Is He?
Why will He be?
We ain't close anymore.
I know one thing, He failed me.

"Good afternoon sir," I looked up at the lady infront of the pharmacy. Today, I was on duty. I am the head of the pharmacy department but sometimes I love to work in the pharmacy. She slid a piece of paper to me with the prescribed drugs from the physician.
I looked at it carefully. I typed in the names of the drugs into the system, totalling the price.

"$450," the colour from her face drained. She looked as if she was about tearing up, her eyes, glassy. She struggled with her bag searching profusely for what I assume, the money.
She doesn't look like she has up to that amount from her earlier expression. I watched her silently.
She stopped the search, looking at the ceiling. The tears streaming down her face.

"I'm sorry, I don't have that amount on me," she said pulling out $250 which I suppose, it's all she had on her.
"Could you please give me the drugs that could amount to this?" I looked at her, my face softened. She couldn't afford the essential drug for her sick companion, only the supplements. I took her money but I pulled out my card and paid for her.
I turned to my partner, gave him the slip. He took out the drugs and packaged it. I printed out the receipt, handed it to her with the drugs and her money.
She took a look at the drugs in the bag, her eyes widened and she shed new found tears.
"Thank you so much, sir. God bless you."
Again with God.
"I hope your loved one gets healed," I flashed a smile at her. She thanked me again running down the hallway.
I sighed, I was glad I could help her.

I love my job 'cause I could get to help the needy.
In my own way.

Who else loves helping the needy in their own way?
I can't wait to earn my income so I could help the needy in my own way.
I appreciate your votes and comments. Thank you.
God bless y'all🤍

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