Part 36: Miami

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'Just keep it...' I respond very quietly.

"I don't want it anymore, don't you understand?" I notice the slightly aggressive tone in his voice.

"You don't give gifts back, haven't you ever heard of that?" I respond.

''Either you take it or I give it away''

A piece of my heart slips.

''So that's how you deal with gifts, norris...'' I reply disappointedly.

'Says the one who plays with hearts...' he says, and hands me the bracelet again.

I held it in my fingers. Not another word followed. Just his steps downstairs. Deep in breath, I complete my journey as well.


Staring, I see the darkness become Miami's while the others chatted happily around the table.

"Sweetie?" Maria's voice sounds to my right.

"Yes?" I ask absently.

"What happened?" she asks me.

My eyes wander for a moment to him, who is sitting opposite me.

'I messed up... with him,' I say, exhausted.

'Are you sure you can't fix this?' she asks me.

''He hates me...and it's my own fault...I have to let him go...I'm no good for him,'' I say honestly.

'That's not true, sweetie...' she tries to convince me otherwise.

'But it is...forgive me.' I say and stand up.

"Where are you going?" Lewis asks me as I grab my jacket.

All eyes land on me.

''I'm tired from the flight...I'm going to go home...'' I lie.

'Oh come on...'

"Stay a little longer..." say the other drivers.

But I only waited for his voice, but he just stared at me.

'See you tomorrow... have a nice evening, guys...' I said, suffering inside.


I walked through the Miami night, along the sea. I sat down in the cool sand. Tears were already flowing.

"Hey hot chick," someone slurred behind me.

Startled, I stood up and tried to get away from this drunk person. But he pursued me until he finally closed his hands around my wrists and pushed me violently against the wall of a toilet cubicle.

'You're so horny,' he slurred.

'Please let go of me,' I said, frightened.

'Oh, don't be like that... satisfy me, bitch...' he says and reaches between my legs.

'Please...' I say frightened and push him away from me.

He grips my cheeks firmly and squeezes them tightly together. He then violently tears my dress at my legs and stomach.

'You're so horny,' he slurred.

Again I push him away from me. My face receives a slap in the face. I hold my eye in pain.

'Please...' I plead in fear.

His hands touch my breasts. I couldn't stand it any longer, so I stepped between his legs and ran away. I ran.


After less than 15 minutes, I entered the house again. I entered quietly, thinking that the others were all still sitting in the restaurant. It was a different story in the hallway upstairs. He heard me and left his room accordingly. His eyes saw me. My torn dress, the wound under my eyes, my split lip and my blurred mascara.

"What the hell happened?" he asks angrily.

Not answering, I lay my body down in my bed. I hear his voice in the hallway.

'Maria, come home as soon as you can. Something's happened to Amalia,' he says frantically, though I assume he was speaking on the phone.

Lost in thought, I stare outside, my whole body trembling.

*silence for a while*

"Amalia..." Maria's voice sounds in front of me.

"What happened?" she asks me when she sees how badly I've been beaten up.

'Some guy was pushing me...' I say, still trembling.

She gently covers me up.

'Do you know his name or what he looks like?' she asks me cautiously.

'No, it was too dark...' I lie.

'Okay sweetie, wait a minute...' she says and tries to give my head a kiss.

But I flinch back, frightened. She leaves my room.

"And what did she say?" Lewis asks.

'Some guy was bothering her...' Maria, Lando and Lewis explain.

"Name..." Lando intervened.

"Hmm?" Maria asked.

"The guy's name, tell me..." said Lando, anything but relaxed.

"She said she didn't know him, partly because it was dark," said Maria.

'That's bullshit...' he says angrily.

He storms into my room.

'Tell me his name...or what he looked like...' he says, still standing angrily behind me.

'It was too dark...' I respond in a weak voice.

His figure stepped into my field of vision.

'Don't lie to me...' he says, still angry.

He sat down next to me, and I flinched.

'Look at me...' he whispers.

My eyes found their way to him.

'I won't hurt you...' he whispers.He gently and carefully helped me to sit up.

"May I help you?" he asked gently.

'Yes,' I say, still trembling.

Once I was upright again, he grabbed a few things for me. Then he helps me remove my torn dress, seeing red marks on my thighs and breasts.

"I'm going to kill that bastard..." he whispers and pulls a pair of pants and a T-shirt over me.

He carefully ties my hair up and removes my blurry mascara from under my eyes. Finally, he tends to the wound under my eyes and my lip.

I put my exhausted head down on his lap.

"Amalia..." Lewis entered my room as well.

"What are you doing?" he asked sternly when he saw my head lying on Lando's lap.

'Bro... don't make a scene now... she's really been through a lot,' Lando intervenes.

"My sister is lying on your lap...of course I'm going to make a scene...that's disgusting. I thought we'd worked out that you two should stay away from each other,'' says Lewis sternly.

''Please Lewis...I just need him right now...'' I say weakly.


Before Lewis can open his mouth again, Maria intervenes.

"Baby, leave them alone. Lando will take care of her. She's in good hands with him. Trust me,' she says and grabs Lewis' hand.

'But...' he opens his mouth.

''Don't you see how much she's suffering...and he's the only one who can ease her pain at the moment, just by lying next to her...'' Maria interrupts him again.

The two of them leave my room together.

dangerous curves -Lando Norris (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now