Chapter 2

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"It's impossible. You're a Siren Mel you can't fire bend" exclaimed Buffy as she sat down on Giles' couch. It was the day after the attack and after having learnt what happened everyone gathered at Giles' flat to try and find an explanation to the events of the night before.

"I don't know what to tell you Buff, it happened. It's not like I had any matchsticks or lighter." Melanie said somewhat sarcastically.

"Fire and Water don't mix. Giles please back me up on this." Buffy turned around to Giles who was frantically looking through his books trying to find an explanation for Melanie's new abilities.

Just as he was about to say something Dawn, who was sat by the table listening to her sisters bicker, started to shake uncontrollably. Before anyone even tried to rush over to her a big purple portal opened and two Tritons walked through. Melanie recognised them instantly as ministers and she got up from the couch facing them.

"What the bloody hell is going on" Spike exclaimed as he rushed to stand in front of Melanie.

"We have come to fetch the Queen. We have received information that she has unlocked her full potential and is therefore ready to come and begin her training in order to rule over the Hell dimensions" One of the Tritons announced.

The room went quiet. Everyone was absolutely stunned by that information.

At that moment Melanie felt as if all the pieces started to fall into place. It all started to make sense as to why the higher beings brought her here. She was supposed to be the bridge between the slayer and the demons. It still felt surreal. She was supposed to be Queen of Hell? But she was only 15. How could she possibly rule over dimensions? As well as the fact that she was a water beast how is it possible that all of a sudden she could bend fire?

After many discussions, and arguments, it was decided. Melanie would go to the hell dimensions to start training in order to control her new abilities and meet her court.

It was difficult to say the least. It was a completely new reality. Training was difficult. Getting used to the new faces and rules was difficult. Thankfully Spike was there, every step of the way. Since he himself was not human he was free to join Melanie in Hell. His company kept her happy and thanks to his support and love Melanie quickly started to master her abilities becoming more powerful with each passing day.

But that all changed.

Many of the demons have quickly accepted Melanie as their Queen. There have been prophecies about her. That the day will come when a child half demon and half human will bend two opposing elements to her will and she will be the one strong enough to carry the weight of Hell on her shoulders to guide it and rule it from that day onwards.

As kind, brave and thoughtful Melanie was she had to learn to adapt to a demon way of things. After all she was in Hell and certain things had to be done a certain way. Certain people/beasts/demons had to be punished and she had to accept that now she bore the responsibility of making sure they suffered for their actions on earth.

Melanie and Spike were on their way to one of the further districts of Hell when their transport got ambushed. A group of Queller demons who didn't agree with the new order wanted to destroy the crown. The soldiers accompanying Melanie quickly rushed in and started to attack the demons. She herself rushed out projecting fire at the demons keeping them at bay and after the defeat she tended to her soldiers and their wounds.

"Ah what a thrill pet. I must say I missed kicking some demon ass. However I did not miss the slime that comes afterwards" Spike stated rubbing off the green goop from his coat.
Melanie walked up to him with a slight smirk on her face.

"Well if you would have just let Milo and I handle the situation you wouldn't be covered in this goop right now."

"Oh please! Milo might be your Head Guard but I'm still your man, pet. I'm here to protect you."

"Ah my knight in leather armour." She joked.

"Damn right I am."

"Alright alright, just take off your coat so we can get it cleaned. I'm not having you covered in this demon blood for the rest of the journey."

He obediently took off the coat and handed it to her. As Melanie turned around to put the coat in an empty trunk Spike noticed an arrow pointing out from some bushes behind them.

Before she could comprehend what was going on Spike grabbed her by her shoulders and swung her around.

"Spike wha—?" She froze as she saw an arrow laced with some black paste pierce through Spikes chest. He loosened his grip on her shoulders as he started to slowly fall onto the ground.

"No no no no no. Spike look at me! No no- oh my god this is laced with poison" she exclaimed as tears rapidly started falling down her cheeks.

"Get Him an antidote! Now!" She yelled towards Milo as the other knights tackled the demon hiding in the bushes. Milo just stood in his place. His head hanging low as he spoke.

" Majesty, I'm sorry but this antidote won't work on him."

"What? What do you mean it won't work?! Just shut up and bring me the antidote." Melanie cried as she held onto Spikes chest.

"Pet." Spike said quietly as he looked up into Melanies eyes.

"Shh baby in a second Milo will bring the antidote to the poison- you'll be fine."

"Melanie, It won't work. I'm already dead the antidote won't pump around my body."

"What- no I'll force it to. I'll perform CPR I'll make it go—MILO WHERE IS THE ANTIDOTE! "

"I can feel the splinters baby.. they're close to my heart any second one will pierce it if the poison doesn't get around to it first."

"No no no, Spike why did you do this. Oh my god why why. It should have been me- just stop moving it's fine we'll get them out we will get everything out."

Melanie started to shake. She was losing control she felt it. She was crying uncontrollably she knew that since they were in hell already if anything happened to either of them they'd just be gone. No. She had to push that thought aside he will be fine Spike will be fine if she can just remove the arrow..

Spike reached for her hand. He knew it. That's it. He felt the poison spread. Ironically the poison travelled around his system on its own but an antidote would have to be pumped around in his body. He felt the poison push the splinters of the arrow closer to his heart.

"Melanie" he said still looking at her eyes which were slowly turning red. God she was beautiful he thought to himself. He just wanted to look at her now. He knew there was nothing either of them could do. But it was okay, he would die for her every day for the rest of eternity if he had the choice.

"I love You William" she sobbed as the words left her lips.

"I love You too" he whispered as he felt the poison push the splinters into the sides of his heart..

Fire // Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now