Chapter 30

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At 8:55 the next day the girls heard knocking on their door. Hermione opened the door and Fred and George came in.

"You girls ready to cheer for the most handsome guys on the team?" Said George.

"Who? Wood and Potter?" Lavender remarked as she fixed her hoodie.

"Nice one Lavender. But we all know the girls will be cheering for me." He said confidently.

"We're identical you know." Said Fred.

"Well I know who's my favourite." Melanie said as she stepped out of the bathroom. She tied Fred's jersey at the front and tucked it underneath her bra making it slightly cropped. She was wearing black jeans and black boots. She curled her hair and did a half up half down style and secured it with the scarlet ribbon. She had the Gryffindor colours painted on her cheeks.

Fred and George's jaws dropped at the sight of her.

"What?" She shrugged "go big or go home."

"My lucky charm." Fred said as he got up and crossed the room in two steps. He lifted her chin up and kissed her lightly.

"Oooh." Exclaimed George and Lavender.

"Shut up." Said Fred as he held Melanie's hand. "Let's go down to breakfast."

The six of them headed down to the great hall and they were soon joined by Harry and Ron.

"So, you gonna come to the party Mel?" George asked

"What party?" She replied as she ate a piece of toast.

"The Gryffindor victory party. Of course." Said Fred.

"You haven't even won yet." Said Hermione.

"Oh come on Granger you know we will."

"If we don't then that's it we're out of the Cup and we can't have that happen!"

Melanie and Hermione rolled their eyes in amusement. They continued to finish off their breakfasts until Professor Lupin walked up to them.

"Morning everyone." He said from behind Melanie and Fred. "Getting ready for the match?"

They all nodded and murmured in agreement.

"Alright I won't bother you anymore I just wanted to borrow-"

"No." Fred said suddenly, and everyone including himself was shocked at that sudden comment. "Apologies Professor but Melanie is not missing another match."

Lupin smiled sympathetically at Fred and put his hand on Fred's shoulder.

"I actually wanted to talk to Harry. But it's nice to see how persistent you can be Mr Weasley I expect to see more of this from you in my lessons."

"Ow-" Fred hissed as he felt a bit of his hair snatch on something.

"Oh I apologise, my watch got caught." Lupin took a step to the side with Harry as Fred kept on rubbing his head in the place that Lupin ripped his hair out.

It was nearly time for the game so the group made their way down to the pitch. They split up and the girls and Ron made their way up to the stands that were already filling up.

Madam Hooch came out onto the middle of the pitch and soon the teams were off. Harry was unbeatable now that he got his firebolt back. Cho Chang the Ravenclaw seeker trailed him all around the pitch. Melanie and Ron were cheering at the chasers as they kept on scoring points. She also paid close attention to the red headed beaters, well one of them in particular. She saw Fred smack a bludger straight at a blue player and she cheered loudly.

Fire // Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now