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So this is not your usual fanfic. I have quite a vivid imagination and I have created scenarios in my head (haven't we all at some point though?) that I decided to make my own story. After reading a lot of Fred Weasley fan fiction I just felt like I wanted to write one.

I don't have many expectations as to where this will go. I don't even know if anyone would like this. I'm just writing for myself right now, but if you do read this and enjoy it feel free to give any comments (no hate please!)

So in this story the main character (Melanie Summers) is the middle sister of Dawn and Buffy Summers from Joss Whedons Buffyverse. She is a half breed Siren brought down to Buffy as a sister. She gains the ability to fire bend and becomes queen of the hell dimensions. ( I have an incredibly wild imagination if you haven't noticed by now hehe.)

You don't have to be familiar with Buffy to understand this story as it is a Fred Weasley Fic and the Buffy part is just to get a feel for the backstory and some characters. I just liked to merge the two realities together to make it more interesting for myself.

Melanie's birth parents are not (currently) in the picture. Her mother was a siren and her father was human - turns out no ordinary human :)

This story Is set in Hogwarts. Starting with the Prisoner of Azkaban.

This is the bit where my wonderful readers just have to sort of bare with me and accept my logic- Melanie is 16 when she gets to Hogwarts she is older than the twins(15 in their 5th year), but that's because she was born in September whereas the twins in April (as you know). However because she is thrown into the magical world of Hogwarts not knowing much I'm gonna put her in Harry's year as that also gives me opportunity to bring the golden trio more into the story. :)

If you would like to dive right into the Hogwarts setting skip forward to chapter 4. ;)

Lastly, I am not a writer. So there will be errors or bits that could be phrased better. I hope you don't really mind that.

Without further ado, let's start the story!

Fire // Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now