Chapter 42

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Melanie spent most of the afternoon getting ready for the party. She took a shower and after applying her cherry lotion she dried her hair. She decided to curl it into tight curls. After she was done she went over to her wardrobe and picked out a black satin cowl neck mini dress. She put on her black heels as the girls came in and started getting ready too. Melanie applied some red lipstick and some light mascara to her eyelashes.

Now came the difficult part. While she was back home in Sunnydale she decided to start writing a song for Fred. She quickly picked out a melody and Milo helped organise the music.

Melanie was sat by the desk in her dormitory scribbling away the lyrics to the song. She got so into it she didn't even acknowledge the time until she heard the sound of music coming from the common room.

"Hey you ready?" Hermione asked as she emerged from the bathroom. She was wearing Melanie's black cargo pants and a lightly pink spaghetti strap top.

Melanie looked up at Hermione and made a pouty face. "Yeah I'm ready. I just can't figure out the second verse."

Hermione walked up to the desk and scanned the piece of paper. "I think this is the only thing I can't help you with." Hermione replied as she formed her mouth into a thin line. "Don't worry I bet Fred will still appreciate it."

"Oh I'm not showing him until I finish."

"You're not showing me what?" Fred asked. He walked into the room wearing grey trousers and a light blue buttoned up shirt. Hermione stepped back into the bathroom to try and fix her hair and she sent a wink towards Melanie.

"Don't you look dashing." Melanie said, trying to change the subject.

Fred smiled and when Melanie stood up from the chair his jaw dropped a little. "Love, you look breathtakingly beautiful."

He took a couple steps towards her and placed his hands on Melanie's waist. He looked down at her dreamily as he rubbed his thumbs against the material of her dress.

"Thank you." She replied softly and stood on her toes to give him a kiss. "Now come on birthday boy." She added and took his hand pulling him towards the door.

"One second." He said and in one big step took the piece of paper from the desk.

"Fred!" Melanie exclaimed and tried to snatch the paper from him but Fred just lifted it up over his head and grinned down at her.

"What is it?" He asked curiously.

Melanie's cheeks started to go slightly pink. "It's a song. I started writing it for you not long ago."

Freds eyes widened and he relaxed his stance in surprise. "You what?" He repeated trying to process what Melanie said.

"I wrote you a song. But it's not finished." She replied and used the fact that he was slightly shocked to reach up and snatch the paper from him.

"You gotta sing it at the party."

"No chance."

"Come on Love. It doesn't have to be right now. I will literally use up my birthday wish for this and if I tell George he will too." Fred said firmly.

"Alright you don't have to do that. I'll sing after you blow out your candles deal?"

"Promise? Because if I make a wish and then you back out of the deal I'll be angry." He scrunched his eyebrows faking an angry face and Melanie chuckled.

"Fine I promise. Now come on."

They headed down to the common room where the party was already at full swing. Students were dancing to the music while others sat around chatting happily. Melanie spotted George in the corner talking to Lee and her and Fred went and joined them.

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