Chapter 5

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"I don't know what I'm going to do!" Angelina exclaimed. " We have our O.W.L.S this year and my parents want me to do well." She slumped back against the couch in the gryffindor common room.

"Relax Ange it's only October." Chuckled George as he gave his twin a funny look.

"George is right babe, and besides we have more important priorities than O.w.l.s." Said Fred as he straightened up next to his girlfriend.

"Oh yeah like what?"

"The Quidditch Cup of course." Replied Fred with the corners of his mouth rising into a smile. George's face lit up as he leaned over and high fived Fred right above Angelina's head.

"Oh you two only think about Quidditch." She said.

"That's not true. We occupy our minds with plenty of other things." Replied George somewhat offended by the insinuation.

"Yeah George is right- like right now I think we should go and see what our dear friend Mr Filch is up to and see if we can contribute to his caretaker duties." Fred grinned as he planted a kiss on Angelina's cheek and got up and made his way to the portrait hole closely followed by George.

"We have transfiguration next, don't be late!" Angelina shouted still sitting on the couch.

Many of the students were already making their way to their next classes. The corridors becoming emptier by the minute.

The two redheads made their way down to Filch's office. They were planning their next prank as they noticed Filch himself standing in the middle of the courtyard. He noticed some 1st years and hurried them away.

"Does he look.. tense to you?" George asked.

"I don't know if tense is the right word but all I know is that he doesn't want anyone around. Come let's hide behind this pillar and see what's going on."

As soon as they did, blue light started to flicker as the portal opened once more and Dumbledore stepped out followed by Melanie. Her eyes widened in awe as she started looking around. The castle was enormous and it looked magnificent.

"Welcome to Hogwarts." Dumbledore said turning around to the young girl."Now, we have a lot to do. This is Mr Filch the caretaker he will take care of your luggage. Now we should go to my office and get you sorted into a house." He turned on his heel and started to walk forward. Melanie followed him trying to keep up while admiring the architecture of the castle around her.

Still behind the pillar Fred and George exchanged looks.

"Who is that with Dumbledore?" Fred thought out loud. The twins couldn't see the face of the girl only her long blonde hair.

"I don't know but look at her clothes, you think she's a muggle?" George replied.

"Course not you git, what would a muggle be doing here. Maybe she's from the ministry? Something to do with Sirius Black?"

"No, I don't think so she looks.. young?" Said George, of course he couldn't know seeing only the back of her head.

"Damn George, we're like 10 minutes late for transfiguration, Minnie will have our heads if we don't head back there soon" Fred said turning around carefully making sure Filch didn't spot them.

"You're right let's get going. Dear Filch is just going to have to wait until dinner." George said as he carefully followed Fred out of the courtyard and into the classroom.

"Or perhaps we can focus on the new target." Fred smirked as a couple of prank ideas popped into his head.

"What are you thinking about?" Asked George. Him and Fred have been walking around the corridors for a couple of minutes and he noticed that his twin was unusually quiet.

"Nothing in particular, I'm just curious about who that new girl is." Fred replied. They got to the transfiguration classroom and just as they were going to open the door Fred added.

"I just think it's going to be an interesting year."

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