Chapter 24

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It was the last week of term before Christmas. Fred and George were sitting by the fire in the common room with Lee and Angelina, the four of them discussing their plans for the holidays. Fred and Angelina have managed to resume a somewhat friendly relation. To be fair they sort of had to considering they were on the same quidditch team.

They were soon joined by Melanie and Hermione. Who came into the common room looking exhausted and plopped themselves onto a couch opposite the four of them.

"What's happened to you two?" George asked.

"Oh nothing, Lupin basically kicked my ass in training today." Melanie sighed.

"And you Mione?"

"Oh I had a very intense study session."

The five of them erupted into laughter.

"Yeah unless you're getting bruises from falling on your back 50 times it's not the same Mione." Melanie chuckled.

"Anyway" Hermione continued. "What have you guys been talking about?"

"Ah just the usual Christmas plans." Replied Lee.

"You guys staying at Hogwarts?" Angelina asked.

"Yeah me and Ron decided to stay to keep Harry and Melanie some company since neither of them can go back home." Hermione answered.

"What's your usual Christmas like Mel?" Fred asked.

"Oh you know nothing special. Buffy and I usually go patrolling a bit earlier than usual. We come back home to Giles burning the potatoes and Dawn helping Milo wrap his gifts last minute. We sit down and have dinner. Then with full bellies we roll ourselves onto the couch. We always open one present each the night before. Then we all sit in front of the fire while -"

"While Melanie sings us Christmas carols until we all fall asleep."

Melanie got startled by the sudden voice coming from behind her. She widened her eyes in surprise as she turned around and saw Milo standing behind her in black jeans and a suede jacket to match. A duffle bag on the floor beside his legs. He opened his arms wide as he said "Merry Christmas Princess."

Melanie lunged forward over the couch and basically jumped at him. She wrapped her arms and legs around him as he took a few steps back from the force. "Jesus woman you nearly toppled me over." He laughed as he wrapped his arms around her.

Fred and George exchanged glances and George could visibly see his brother getting slightly tense at the sight of the stranger hugging Melanie tightly.

"What are you doing here?!" She asked, she placed her hands on his shoulders as he lowered her back down.

"I came to spend Christmas with you of course. Dumbledore portaled me in over an hour ago."

"Oh my god. I can't believe it. I- am I dreaming?"

"Haha you want me to pinch you princess?" He said jokingly.

"You look well. But this stubble has to go." She said tickling his beard gently.

"I think it looks quite sexy." He raised his eyebrows confidently. "But you, Melanie you look absolutely gorgeous."

Angelina leaned over towards Fred."I bet it hurts doesn't it?" She scoffed.

"Shut up Ange." Fred replied through his teeth, not taking his eyes away from Melanie for even a second.

"Oh stop it." Melanie said as she put her hair behind her ear.

"No I mean it princess. You gained some healthy weight, your hair is longer and you're no longer sickly pale. You're stunning." He smiled at her.

"Come on let me introduce you to my friends." She said as she led him to the couch.

Fire // Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now