Chapter 4

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"Mel come on! Professor Dumbledore will be here any minute." Buffy shouted from downstairs. Melanie was sat on her bed holding a photo of Spike, wondering if she made the right choice.

A couple days after 'the talk' Melanie walked downstairs to find a man sitting by the dinner table. He was tall and thin, with silver hair and beard so long that it could be tucked into his belt.

"Hello." She said warily making her way into the dining room.

"Good afternoon." He replied standing up, while Giles emerged from the kitchen holding a plate with a variety of biscuits on it.

"Ah Melanie, perfect timing!" He exclaimed.
"This is Professor Albus Dumbledore. The Headmaster at Hogwarts." He gestured at the empty chair beside him and Melanie slowly sat down.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, your Majesty." He said with a silver twinkle in his eye.

"Oh no." Melanie said, somewhat startled by that. She hasn't been addressed like that ever since she left hell. This was official, and it felt unusual to be called Her Majesty when she was so much younger than this professor as well as the fact she hasn't felt worthy of that title in months. "Please Sir, it's just Melanie."

"Very well. Melanie." He said, taking a sip of his tea. "Forgive me for being straightforward. But I have been informed about your.." he paused for a moment. "Circumstances."

Melanie sat in her chair looking at the tea before her. Not willing to meet the eyes of the stranger.

"I think you are incredibly strong for going through all that." He continued. " Myself and Mr Giles agree, you are a very special young lady and just by sitting here for a couple of minutes with you I can see that you would really fit into Hogwarts." He said smiling towards the girl.

"What makes Hogwarts so special that I would fit right in?"

"Everything and nothing at the same time. You are extraordinary with your abilities and I believe at Hogwarts we can nurture the ones you haven't even discovered yet. Not to mention that for many of our students Hogwarts gives a sense of home and belonging. Considering your father was just like me I truly believe you will have no trouble fitting in."

"What do you mean just like you?" She asked slightly startled at the mention of her birth father.

Dumbledore pulled out a wooden stick from his robes and pointed it at the mugs standing on the table. After a couple of seconds the mugs started levitating in the air. They hovered there for a few seconds and then returned to the surface of the table.

Oh my goodness, Melanie thought. Of course that's not a stick. It's a wand. Wait. Does that mean-?

"Yes, I'm a wizard Melanie." Dumbledore began, pulling her away from her thoughts.

"But, I can't do that. I'm not like that. I'm ordinary."

"Are you? Because from what I've seen and heard that is that last word I would use to describe you." He got up and handed her a letter. She opened it and read:

Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of Merlin,First Class, Grand Sorc.., Chf Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. Of Wizards)

Dear Miss Summers

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find a list of all necessary books and equipment...

"Professor." She looked up as she saw Dumbledore make his way into her living room pulling out his wand again. " What if you're wrong? What if I'm not good enough?" She started. She couldn't help but feel a force within her. Something pushing her slightly onto this new path.

"I'm rarely ever wrong dear. I understand your fear. But remember, fear is a superpower. Fear can make you cleverer, and stronger and sometimes it might just lead you to where you need to be." He said calmly as he stood in the centre of the living room. "I must get going now, you can have a few days to think about this. Once you're ready just tick the box with your answer and I will—."

"— I accept." She said confidently.

"Very well. I shall be back next week. Don't worry about the equipment. Everything will be waiting for you at Hogwarts." He smiled as he swished his wand around and vanished.

That week went by very quickly. Melanie still had doubts about everything but couldn't help the feeling inside of her telling her that this was the correct choice. She put away the picture of Spike into her pocket and ran downstairs where everyone was waiting. She sat down on the sofa next to Dawn reaching for her hand and holding it. Dawn had been having a hard time with this whole situation. She knew this was what Melanie needed but it hurt very deeply that she wouldn't get to see her sister for the remainder of the year. They sat in silence for a couple of minutes until a blue light started to flicker in the living room and a huge portal opened and Dumbledore stepped out.

"Good afternoon everyone." He said with that silver sparkle in his eyes. "Ah Melanie I see you've got a whole brigade sending you off"

"Hello Professor, yes well what can I say." She shrugged.

"We better get going Miss Summers. We have a lot to do when we get there. Is this your luggage? I will take care of that and you say your goodbyes." He turned around and pointed his wand at her trunk.

"Willow will be so jealous that she had to work today." Xander said as he pulled Melanie in for a hug. She smiled at him as she turned to Dawn.

"Be good while I'm gone okay? And don't miss me too much I'll be back before you know it." She said as she grabbed her younger sister and wrapped her arms around her.

"I will, just come back safe and sound." She choked as she pulled away tears slowly filling her eyes.

Melanie said her goodbyes to Buffy and Giles before she turned to Milo. Boy was she going to miss him. He had become her closest friend and she had no idea how she would make it over there without him.

"Just try and not get yourself in any trouble Princess." He said with a weak smile forming on his face.

"I don't know what I'm going to do without you, I'll miss you so much." She said as she wrapped her arms around his neck, nearly suffocating him.

"You are going to go over there and you will live okay? Not just survive. You will have a great time. And if at any point you miss me too much I'm just a portal away. I will come down at once if you need me."

"Promise?" She said sticking out her pinky.

"Promise." He replied wrapping his own with hers.

She turned towards Dumbledore and said "I'm ready."

"— Wait princess I almost forgot!" Milo exclaimed as he rushed into the kitchen. He came back after a minute with something in his hands. " Have courage and remember everyone you love will always be there with you, in your heart." He said shyly as he passed her the package. She opened it and she felt her heart stop the second she realised what it was.

The trench coat.

Spikes trench coat.

She thought she destroyed it along with everything else in the explosion. Her eyes swelled with tears as she put it on. Only managing to nod towards Milo who also had tears in his eyes. Without a word she turned to Dumbledore and they stepped through the portal together.

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